1. 1.
    me i gat nothing ina dis life
    me gat no children me gat no wife
    me gat no job an i tell you no joke
    the only thing that i’ve gat ganja for smoke

    now you come take me ganja away
    tell me why do you take me ganja away
    why do you take me ganja away
    why do you take me ganja away

    you make a lots you send me cops
    you make these things you set me traps
    i do no wrong and you come cross my way
    just think can take me ganja away

    why do you take me ganja away
    tell me why do you take me ganja away
    why do you take me ganja away
    why do you take me ganja away

    now i say dear think about that
    i can see clear nothing go right
    me gat to tell you an hear when i say
    them cannot take our ganja away

    them cannot take our ganja away
    tell you them cannot take our ganja away
    them cannot take me ganja away
    them cannot take our ganja away…

    so hear when i say…
    …you gat to legalize the marijuana
    …you gat to free the sensimilia
    …you gat to liberate the ganja
    …nomimi i founta
    …speirte xorta

    …la la la …
  2. 2.
    şunu bi çevirin la
  3. 3.
    yok amq ismail yk