0qualifications required:Tümünü Göster
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applicants must meet the following minimum requirements before submitting an application.
1. bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in engineering, biological science, physical science, or mathematics. quality of academic preparation is important.
notes on academic requirements:
applicants for the astronaut candidate program must meet the basic education requirements for nasa engineering and scientific positions, specifically: successful completion of standard professional curriculum in an accredited college or university leading to at least a bachelor's degree with major study in an appropriate field of engineering, biological science, physical science, or mathematics.
the following degree fields are not considered qualifying:
--degrees in technology (engineering technology, aviation technology, medical technology, etc.)
--degrees in psychology (except for clinical psychology, physiological psychology, or experimental psychology, which are qualifying)
--degrees in nursing
--degrees in exercise physiology or similar fields
--degrees in social sciences (geography, anthropology, archaeology, etc.)
--degrees in aviation, aviation management, or similar fields
2. degree followed by at least 3 years of related, progressively responsible, professional experience or at least 1,000 hours pilot-in-command time in jet aircraft. an advanced degree is desirable and may be substituted for experience as follows: master's degree = 1 year of experience, doctoral degree = 3 years of experience. teaching experience, including experience at the k - 12 levels, is considered to be qualifying experience for the astronaut candidate position; therefore, educators are encouraged to apply.
3. ability to pass the nasa long-duration space flight physical, which includes the following specific requirements:
distant and near visual acuity: must be correctable to 20/20, each eye
the refractive surgical procedures of the eye, prk and lagib, are allowed, providing at least 1 year has passed since the date of the procedure with no permanent adverse after effects. for those applicants under final consideration, an operative report on the surgical procedure will be requested.
blood pressure not to exceed 140/90 measured in a sitting position
standing height between 62 and 75 inches.
notes on space flight physical requirements:
since all crewmembers will be expected to fly aboard the soyuz vehicle and perform extravehicular activities (space walks), applicants must meet the anthropometric requirements for both the soyuz vehicle and the extravehicular activity mobility unit (space suit). applicants brought in for interview will be evaluated to ensure they meet the anthropometric requirements.
basic education requirement: a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major study in engineering, physical science, mathematics, life sciences, computer science, or other field of science. degrees in engineering technology are not considered to be qualifying for this position.
u.s. citizenship is required.,
neler istiyor özetleyebilecek var mı çok müteşekkir olurum panpalar seri şuku nick6 elimden ne gelirse yaparım -
0hala istio musun çevirisini?
0amk onun da türkçesini buldum ihtiyacı olan baksın,
http://inci.ca/uajf343r2b -
0some people have 20/20 vision. i am no so fortunate, and need glasses or contact lenses to see that well. so, my eyes have approximately 20/100 vision, but are correctable to 20/20.
some people have such poor vision that they cannot be corrected to 20/20. no matter what it done, the best they can see is 20/40 or 20/80 (or some other number). so, these unfortunate folks will never have "normal" 20/20 vision.
distant and near visual acuity just means how well you see things that are far away, and close up. without my glasses, i can read pretty well (my near acuity is good), but i can't see things at a distance (my distant acuity is poor); i am near-sighted.
so, to answer your question: it doesn't mean that you must have perfect vision. it means you must be able to be corrected (glasses or contacts) to "normal" 20/20 vision.
20/20 nin ingini buldum amk ne demek burda yazıyor -
0üşendim o yazı türkçe olsa okumam aq
0distant and near visual acuity: must be correctable to 20/20, each eye
0@6 ,
abd vatandaşlığına geçmek için en az 18 yaşında olmanız ve en az beş yıldır yeşil kart sahibi olmanız gereklidir. ayrıca iyi ahlaklı bir kişi olmalı (“kötü” ahlakın içine suç işlemekten vergileri ödememeye kadar pek çok şey girebilir), i̇ngilizce bilmeli ve amerikan siyaseti ve tarihi hakkında bilgi sahibi olmalısınız.
beş yıllık bekleme süresinin en az yarısını amerika'da geçirmelisiniz. eğer bir yıl veya daha uzun süreliğine ülkeden çıkarsanız amerika'da o zamana kadar geçirdiğiniz süre sıfırlanır ve beklemeye baştan başlarsınız.
vatandaşlığa geçmek için yapılan işlemler çok basittir. ins'ye n-400 formunu doldurarak başvurusunuz. başvurunuz işleme konduktan sonra (bu bir iki ay ile bir yıl arası sürebilir) t
anskm 5 yıl mı -
0@4 Brazzerstaki malzemeci
0@2 gibtirgit amk komik mi oldun şimdi
0panpalar çoğunu kendim çevirdim de göz doktoru lazım ya
distant and near visual acuity: must be correctable to 20/20, each eye
bu ne demek oluyor amk -
0are you sex?
0nasayamı basvurdun amk gotune füze takıp uzaya cıkıp marsta ammı arıyacaksın
0özgeçmişini yazıp verecekmişsin
0@13 yok panpa soğudum kağıttan uçak yapacam ben
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