+2panpa özet geçmek gerekirse bunlar bir tarihte server'ı ikiye bölmüşler. bu bölünmeden önce alınmış hesaplara da yanlış (istemediği) servera düşmüşlerse bir seferlik bedava geçiş hakkı vermişler. ama senin hesap bu bölünme olayından sonra yaratıldığı için senin için bu mümkün değilmiş.
+1the champions added to game after hecarim have one skin type only. do you consider adding more skins for them? at least for rengar or diana?
+1I was 14 when I lost my virginity. My story is just horrible, I hate thinking about it. It was to this guy I had just MET THAT DAY FOR THE 1ST TIME. We talked on facebook and we were both virgins. He was 14 I was 14, so I came over to just hang out, literally watch some tv and chill. But then he started to try to make out with me and I had never made out before and before you know it he was trying to take off my clothes. In the moment I guess I wanted it, but really looking back now that I'm 16 I feel stupid, disgusting and just gross. I let some complete stranger take my innocence. I wish I could have waited for the guy who means the world to me. And I have found him, a few months after my bad day I went over to my friend patricks house and somehow met his brother, he was 17 and I was 14, now we're 16 and he's 19. He's still a virgin, and I was his first everything. It makes me happy to know I can make him happy but it breaks my heart knowing I can't have that same experience when we finally make love to eachother.
Kind Regards
inrock we trustt -
+1geldim panpa dur okumam lazım önce
+1hecarim, rengar ve dian ne bunları açıkla ki çevirim mal gibi olmasın. lol oynamıyorum çünkü ben
0beyler lol de supporta account transfer mümkün mü diye sorduydum adam bana uzun uzun yazmış bendeki ingilizceyle pek anlayamadım sanırım mümkün olmadığını söylüyo ama başka bişeylerden de bahsetmiş bi yardımcı oluverin
Hello Summoner,
When we first split the EU platforms on July 19th, 2011 we allowed players who had created their accounts before the split one free transfer. This was to enable players who felt they were on the wrong server at the time of the split a chance to move to the appropriate server. Because your account was created after the server split, I will be unable to provide you with a free transfer. I apologize for any inconvenience, and hope this does not discourage you from enjoying League of Legends.
Bir de cevap vericem beyler buna şunu göndericem
Hecarimden sonra gelen championların hepsinde tek skin var. umarım yeni skinler eklemeyi düşünüyorsunuzdur? en azından rengar ve diana..
yardımınızı bekliyorum binler -
0türkiye ye mi geçmeye çalışıyorsun west deyim DoodLezKarikatur
0@8 Hecarim, Rengar ve diana bunlar league of legendse karakterler panpa. yani özel isim champion deniyor bunlara.
Şu yani cümle :
Hecarim den gelen sonraki championların hepsinde tek skin bulunmaktadır. Yeni skinler gelicek mi? En azından rengar veya diana..? -
0@6 peki panpa son yazdığım cümleyi de çevirebilir misin?
0yok mu lan kimse..
0@12 easttayım weste geçmeye çalışıyorum
yannansizliktan inci sozluge
mentalcelin babaları tam liste v1
eyy gwynplaine cccrammsteincc ve gran torinoo
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aynaya bakınca yakışıkla gibiyim
teğmenler ihraç edilmiş
ataturk saksaklama basligi
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defter tasdik ücreti
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balkonda bi hava alalım dedik
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ohh usta uyuyakalmış
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