0@1 do u wanna see something really cool?
0@1 shut the fuck up your motherfuckin mouth 'key ?
0i m gonna speak english like a native speaker but not now!!!11111!!1oneoneone
0get the fuck out your fuckin' arse here.
iskoç aksanıyla söyle, akşdıbına verir. -
0bu hikaye senin için
Red head girl's mother, a piece of cake and wine by giving the patient is sent to nine hut in the forest. Girl, do not surprised to encounter on the way wolves and fear; tells where the wolf. Kurt's daughter, grandmother to gather flowers for the sake of a different road routes. Hurriedly ran to the house of nine wolves, the old woman in bed instead, lies, and swallowed. Hut up girls, nine of the big ears, eyes, hands and mouth are noticed. Kurt's daughter swallows. Hunter comes, those moments, the wolf's stomach with scissors, utility, and the red head girl of nine saves. Girl, sleeping wolf's stomach fills with the overflow. Kurt, when you wake up and fall dead. Difficulty breathing space nine, with wine and its own revenue pie. Red head girl, "never again as long as I live way out myself, I will not go to the forest," he says. And again for joy at her return home can not harm anyone. -
0wayne rooney
0are you player , are you player , are you good player
0@2 lafı ağzımdan alarak gibmiş
0where is my key???
0ur mother * lan ergen atlaması olarak görmeyin giberim hepinizi
0ingilizce birşeyler
0hole draw
0fuck u mr. henry shawn
0your mother is hot
0what can i do, sometimes?
0fog the system
0i know you want me
0if u wanna sex i'm gonna fuck you
0-ohh they killed kenny
-you bastards! -
0van minuts
senin derdin ders çalışmak değil
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