
Herkesin bir hikayesi var, ya senin hikayen nedir?
    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    +30 -20
    Oha lan ilk trendim sagolun .Alıntıdır. Aklımda kalanıyla yazıorum
    Long ago... There were two races ruling over the earth... Humans and Monsters.One day war broke out between two races. After a long battle humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters to the underground with a magic spell.And with this spell everyone can enter the barrier but only beings with a powerful soul can leave.
    Mountain Ebott. 20xx
    Legends say that who climbs the mountain never comes back.One day a child climbs the mountain. Trips and falls down to a deep hole.
    The human child was wounded... Called for help. Then the kings son, Asriel comes down and carries the human to the castle to his dad and mom.The monster king, King Asgore Dreemurr and his wife Toriel treats the human child like their own.

    Okumak isteyen olursa devamini yazicam hemen
  1. 2.
    The underground was full of hope. Human child and Asriel became like siblings... One day Human child became very ill. There was no cure for human's health condition. Human child wanted to see the golden flowers from his village But... But there was nothing they can do.Because they can't cross the barrier. Next day... The human died.
    Asriel whacked with grief, absorbed the human's soul and transformed into a being with incredible power.He crossed the barrier and carried the body to humans village. There was a bed of golden flowers there. Suddenly screams rang out. Humans saw Asriel holding the dead body. They tought he may had killed the children. They attacked Asriel with everything they had. Stumbled Asriel wounded he was struck with blow after blow. Asriel had the power to destroy all of them.But he didn't fight back. Smiled Asriel and walked away.He again crossed the barrier and got back to the castle.He died in the garden and his dust was spread to all flowers in the castle.It was a very saddening day because king lost 2 children in one day. Humans once again has taken everything from Monsters. King Asgore stated a new policy."Every human who falls down here would be killed and their souls will be taken. With enough souls we can shatter the barrier and take the surface from humans"
    1. 1.
      Kör olduggm ahh kör olduuum.
  2. 3.
    +15 -1
    oo hayırlı olsun google translate kullanmayı öğrenmişiz
    1. 1.
      kafamdan yaziyorum kardesim translate olsaydi gramar hatalari olurdu
      1. 1.
        gramer hataları zaten var o yüzden translate dedim
  3. 4.
    King's wife Toriel disgusted with his actions and moved away from him.She built herself a new home at ruins where the human child first fallen down.
    1. 1.
      Tosbaganin gibini yi 🐢
  4. 5.
    +1 -1
    Olm akıcılığı yok lan hikayenin ne çok they kullanmışsın okurken gına geldi. Konu güzel biraz daha çalışman lazım.
    1. 1.
      bunu backstory gibi dusun devam edicek aksiyonlu falan okucaksan
    2. 2.
      Yaz bakalım okuruz niye okumayalim kırk yılın başı biri enteresan bisi yapiyor
  5. 6.
    I am smarter than all these bitches, you can't fool me
    1. 1.
      Şşş kardesim aklimda kalaniyla yaziorum lutfen bozmazmisin tsk
      1. 1.
        You must be fun at parties :D
    2. 2.
      turkiyede parti mi oluyor anca okul cikisi takilabiliyoz ah gelmeseydim geri
  6. 7.
    +2 -1
    Amk türkceyi duzgun konuşamiyom ingilizce hikaye yazmış bide usanmadan.
    1. 1.
      Ogren oku hikaye sardi
  7. 8.
    bu nası trende girdi amk
  8. 9.
    pekekent undertaleyi mi yaziyon lan
  9. 10.
    So the queen -Toriel- wasn't so successful at "protecting" fallen ones.6 human has fallen down and their souls has been taken by Asgore.But their death reasons are unknown.The last child apparently a kid named "Frisk"(now keep that in mind).(I have no idea of his/her gender I am just gonna assume that it is a boy)He lands on golden flowers.And gets up after a short walk a flower appears and says:
    -Howdy,I am flowey ,flowey the flower.You are new to the underground aren'tcha?
    And then begins to tell him how things work.At some point Flowey attempts to kill the child saying "You idiot,in this world it is kill or be killed".But Toriel saves the child and brings him to his home. Toriel seemed happy with it until kid started asking "how can I go to home".
  10. 11.
    So Toriel went downstairs and Frisk went too.She was worried about him being killed by Asgore with the regret of couldn't saving other humans.But as much as she refuses to get him out he was determined to go home.She says "prove me that you are strong enough to survive".She starts to fight him but Frisk refuses to fight back.But he was getting hurt and seeing it made her refuse too. Then she laughs and hugs him. Then his adventure begins
  11. 12.
    He starts walking in a snowy place covered with woods. When he is walking a branch breaks mysteriously and he hears some steps. When he arrives to a tiny bridge closed by wide wooden bars someone in shadows begins to get close.And asks him if he knows how to greet.He turns around and shakes his hand and fart noises begins.He introduces himself."Sans, Sans the skeleton.you are a human right.Huh that's hilarious".He seems goofy and takes frisk to his sentry station.He hides Frisk because he wants to make his brother happy .Then his brother-Papyrus- arrives.
  12. 13.
    okuyacak olursa yarina yazacagim ve arkadaslarin dedigi gibi oyunu oynayacaksaniz hic okumayin her kelimesi spoiler
  13. 14.
    Ragazza güzel gidiyor
  14. 15.
    Müsait bir vakitte okuyacağım inş
  15. 16.
    Bu ne amk lise 1 terkmisin
  16. 17.
    Rez okurum bi ara
  17. 18.
    Güzel ama ingiliççe
    1. 1.
      Ben yazıcaktım lan :(
  18. 19.
    bu başlık ne?
  19. 20.
    Anladiğim: canavarlarlarla insanlar savaşmıs. Monster insanin amina koymuş.