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0güzel yazmışsın panpa şuku
0inci sözlük özür dilemez demişsin ama adnan babaya naptık biz demezler mi adama
0you white-skinned freaks, panpaliği You know the expression, friendship, friendship, If They ignore disbelief, as grains of sand to be together, you know? ...
but how will you know, nigga dick sweat like an animal, like drinking a potion insatiable self-brim WHEN the hag, You know the expression "pearl glossary" ..
How do you know, but a sincere smile monopolies sperm swallowing bitch who ... You know the expression Son of a bitch ...
three-penny money, but where the body of biliceksin selling a commodity into a full, dark waters of the famous prayer for the drowning man, bitch.
but first I want you to know, not fear from anything th dictionary, do not apologize, indestructible, unsinkable, dissipate.
ferrelerini you watch every night, whether we ourselves, most of them screaming praise you, most centers
See you at one mentality. There is nothing to be proud of his profession, ferrecisun you ferreci, ferreci!!!
be yourself. at one doing politics, politics, we want to do everything in. merry whore,
faişelerin productive actions can not be mentioned, somebody big profits while you are shattered amine, talk to us before you know it.
lost its meaning for us, a cold nothingness, emptiness, our dreams became hideous. Go to your world to deal with us
violence, praised the attitude of all kinds of violence and sexuality, drugs, or sex addicts, prostitutes, the unemployed, the homeless, and then
blood, decay, disgusting and disturbing, sexuality, masturbation, fantasies, medical waste, where morglarlarin to LIFE ...
all the "pearl dictionary" ferre set of numbers be told in the waiting room waiting for the moment in boxerlarının hands.
we want God to be aidis.
Regards *** th dictionary ***
google sağ olsun -
0ağladim amq
0@46 google tranlareden mi yaptin yoksa harbi çevirdin mi panpa
0@45 bunda sonra olmasin be panpa, özür dilemek yanilsamadir
0mektup panpa çok dokunaklı olmus verdiğim şuku helalin
- 61.
- 62.
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0up up up
0şunu çevirebilecek var mi panpalar
0up up up
0up up up
0stoya: inci sözlükten özür diliyorum ferreciliği aha şimdi bıraktım artık müslümanım
eşhedü... -
0up up up
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