1. 451.
    dude i was about 12.5
  2. 452.
    left from bigbang
  3. 453.
    @369 sum it up bastard olur lan ama o da hoş durmuyo sum it up motherfucker daha güzel
  4. 454.
    Si Si Si iNCi Si Si Si
  5. 455.
    it makes 40!
  6. 456.
    poor basterd
  7. 457.
    filiz shall we make love?
  8. 458.
    we are living in nobrain
  9. 459.
    +1 -1
    inci sucks and fucks
  10. 460.
    i was 12,5
  11. 461.
    ahahahah owl chief ne dıbınakoyayim ya şuku
  12. 462.
    inci fucking all time
  13. 463.
    in the tabela
  14. 464.
    i was rose bastard take your shuku
  15. 465.
    am günü yağ
  16. 466.
  17. 467.
    http://www.deydirgec.com/referandum-anketi.html oylayin picler
  18. 468.
    @2 was fuck
  19. 469.
    summarize son of a bitch.
  20. 470.
    Do we believe what we homies-Napak inanak mı kanka