0oh my god
read this poem
oh my god
suck my dick
piss off
u little bitch
ç ?
oh my god
cya later
u son of a bitch
kick your ass
little bitch
all my friends
read this poem
ıt's really bullshit -
0we should kill them
ok byé -
0@1 hey bro, you should close your dirty mouth, if you not it, i will fuck you, did you undestand?
because; turkish language fucks all other languages, -
0guys i know kungfu
0days i live don't pass
rhyming as @2
without fuckin @1's ass
what i'm gonna say is
yo high skewl pricks
must leave the racism class
don't make me teach you fags
density = volume x mass
that's all folks
happy festivals
merry x-mas -
0aradaki salak entryileri silersek efsane olucak başlık
bazı gözüme çarpanlar: @1 @20 @38 @58 @70 @71
çalıntı değillirse çok iyiler amk... -
meme -
0fuck fulk fuks fucs sansar ceza sagopa.
0yes beyby camon beyby
0obama bush england london beer votka what going on asshole son of a bitch motherfucker i fucked your sister last night she was wonderful my name is melissa and im 16 i want to touch your body i want to lick your skin
0i sex u
0what can i do sometimes
-1bu başlıkta mal mı oluyonuz amk?
0@70 şiirleri biyerden almıyosa hem ingilizcesi iyi hem de argoya hakim. amerikada yaşıyo olabilir
0i'm so sick of you all poor bastards,
wanna jam through your asses mustards.
you've got nor money, neither a bowl,
will be proding you my dear chief owl. -
0i saw you in the morning
you were very white for me
did you grow up at konak?
what are these beauties?! - 70.
0@71 this man is college youth
0well, you and your mother i'd like to fuck,
are eligible to suck my fat and great cock.
but before your start, listen you both,
that's crucial: less teeth, more throat. -
0oh my poor gnirps
graces her virginity
when i cum on your face
you'll pray the trinity
im not your damn holy spirit
these high school kids
would jerk like bolt's sprint
neither your ass nor hymen
i have the power! he-man!
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 30 01 2025
google inci sozluk yazınca niye girmiyor
malum barlıkı
sağlıksız gıdanın ruha iyi gelmesi
insanın ama susadığı saatlerdeyiz
beyler askıda eskort kampanyası
ahmet türk türk değil
arka analımdan sıcak osuruk çıktı
bir iran erkeğini arka deliğimde arzuluyorum
arkadaki zütten anal yapacak
taşaklarımla beynimi ameliyatla
arkadan zorla osurtuldum
ameliyatla dana taşağı diktirsem
zalinazurt yazılımcıymış
ahh arka analım yarılıyor
arka analımı yırtana kadar gibip
zaten bu kadar geri zekalının olduğu bir yerde
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