1. 1.
    +21 -1
    i was about 12.5 years old.
  2. 2.
    not attacking pussy head! visiting, visiting!!!
  3. 3.
    grandpas're fucking! do not open!
  4. 4.
    @4 is product of joyless fuck
  5. 5.
    @1 abandoned from nuh's ship.
  6. 6.
    for foreigners

    guys we will attack nike's ad . deal or no deal? selected writing will be shown on screens at the highest buildings of johannesburg. if we accomplish this, 5th star will fuck all the others . other stars will be unimportant.mesut özil is between players will be selected.exactly it is for us. perhabs our writing isnt able to be but we can take mesut to first .

    direct useful facebook link =

    the slogan is determined

    lets write over and over
    "" pearl of the football ""

    it means "futbolun incisi" in turkish

    we will write this slogan then we will laud mesut. however this is a international event. it aint able to be accomplished wtih 100-150 people. we have to be more crowded.

    there is "who will write the future?". click it , it direct towards facebook

    facebook link

    main nike.com link=

    we select mesut as footballer but we will determine the headline. deal or no deal?

    in summary : we are coming to fuck pussy of the world
    summary 2 : nowadays we will be gathered. our attack will be organized.lets inform mods

    quotations from uncle obama
    "yes, we can"
    "yes, we can"
    "yes, we can"
    "yes, we can"

    original turkish headline
    (bkz: inci dünyanın dıbına koymaya geliyor)
  7. 7.
    What the fuck is it? Get a fucking real English.

    grandpas're fucking! do not open!
  8. 8.
    @4 abandoned from magma.
  9. 9.
    @2 its translated from original headline , accordingly its writer's choice not mine
  10. 10.
    my english bad, asl ? pussy ?
    im horny
  11. 11.
    i look at it, i have a word with you. whole man. have money, you have a stamp, there is everything. in thousands of works orders. are you worthy to play with the bread? is worthy of so many innocent, child, to take to the streets in the snow in winter, to leave open? but how should fit! do not know your own daughter hurt, not seen a drop in happiness too. i do not understand it, these guys love each other. but i'm talking in vain. love does not know the man, the love that i'm trying to teach. yeah, you, the big boss, billionaire, owner of factories saim mister! you get older? no, i'm great! i, yasar masters! you're by my side nothing, you know, nothing! i do not have much value stamps in my eyes. but i know what my point nor my son can not do anything. will not collapse, will not deploy, will not defeat us. money because we do not stamp, we are bound by love. we love each other. we're a family. we have a beautiful family. you think you can afford to tear it down? now touch my family! touch my kids! touch my son! touch my point! if they damage the hair if it comes, my life that i did not hurt a fly, yasar masters, do you ever think of taking a hit! do you understand, i do not even hit, and i turn and look back!
  12. 12.
    @1 anatolian high school student
  13. 13.
  14. 14.
    are you artist? why you did not prefer your own language? are you big player? are you big player? are you man?
  15. 15.
    @8 not nuh.its Noah.
  16. 16.
    shut the fuck up
  17. 17.
    tebessüm ettim nedensizce
  18. 18.
    vay amg. what an english. u must be the best english speaker ever.
  19. 19.
    here comes the rain again.
  20. 20.
    are you sex