0@1 verdim eksini
@3 koptum amk -
0@1 aşureye ekmek banan huur çocuğu
0When I closed my eyes, I saw The Three Kingdoms, one Feline, other Canine, and the neutral, Rodent. They were all fighting in a battlefield, the rodents exterminated, with only the cats and dogs left. They were in Stalemate for 100 years, until my cat, Shempy, died, along with Stimey and Whiskers. They broke the stalemate but the Cats and Dogs lived in harmony. The most bloddy graphic I've seen for 6 minutes DDD':
nyannom1 2 hours ago
this is my new theme song
DimmedStar1 3 hours ago
This song just reminds me of 90% of the videos on Youtube.
Although, that may just be because this is the backing track for them all.
HarakMolova in reply to Subbzyy Boyy (Show the comment) 3 hours ago
Hmm, possibly ... i was thinking more along the lines of CoD 5 and GTA but Tomb Raider sounds good :3
Subbzyy Boyy in reply to Vikki Dey (Show the comment) 5 hours ago
I was thinking Tomb Raider?
Vikki Dey in reply to Subbzyy Boyy (Show the comment) 5 hours ago
This reminds me of WW III after-party.. And if full song was like 0:00 - 2:15 , it would've been the scariest song ever
ya rasat sen ne mal adamsın
burda olmayan var mı
sevgili rasat bu başlığa gel
nasyonel sosyailizim bir tak biliyomuş gibi
yav ben 2008 de doğdum
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 12 02 2025
vallahi yağlı saçı özledik
ypgyi destekleyen bir kürt olduğunu biliyoruz
sabah incisozluk co yazıp
olm surda 10 kisi birbirimizin
ümit özdağ tam şuan ne yapıyor acaba
gran torino ermeni miymiş
bakircan ifşa ortadaki gözlüklü çocuk
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bunlar yüzünden millet tas tıraşlı
incisözlükteki inanılmaz mantık hatasi
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kıçında yanması olan bir kişi nasıl
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işinde gücünde olan kürtlere laf eden en hafif
ınstagrambt teittetter seviyofun
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