0iaberis i love u <3 do u marry me :(
0you are the man. ccc iaberis for reyizidency ccc
reyizedency!!! -
0dank at yoksa giberun
0iaberis fuckkk
0well, i think she's very pretty and extremely kind! when i was in grade 5, we met and became close friend! i have not seen her since i was grade 6. i thought of her, but i didn't know whether she misses me or not. i was very upset. fortunately, i got her nick and chat with her! i was very happy. but recently she has not been online. i think she has to learn hard so i don't call her :(
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eat your balls panpa -
0iaberis is great reyiz
0hello all!Tümünü Göster
i am iaberis, former player of egreece and now eternal resident of ecyprus. when i was in greece, i preferred not to get involved much in politics; i have been a member of the sdu (socialist democratic union) and later founder of gap (green anarchist party), in an effort to gather all ecologist players. i was president of this movement until the time i left egreece behind.
the reason i decided to come to cyprus, was the rotten situation of greece. all players against each other and sometimes, when bored, against turks and fyromians. when cyprus entered the game, you're all aware of the expensive war that followed for the control of the island, by both greece and turkey. sometime during that era, my eye caught an article of depici describing his vision of a united cyprus, a cyprus where turks and greeks could live in harmony, without fights and war. i tried to present this vision to my greek my co-players since it seemed a nice idea. i even published an article later, but unfortunately everyone attacked me for that... maybe then, the timing wasn't the best for this idea... but now? has it grown in people's minds and hearts? can we make ecyprus the land of friendship and brotherhood?
for my progress in the game, i don't want to say many words. i log in every day, i am many hours online, i've been a member of libertad for a long time now, i have many medals (check my profile to get an idea), i've been elected two times for the congress and i have a great mood for the game. i may not be a great tank that will throw millions of influence, but i have all the good intentions to help as much as i can. i've been a small player before and i know how it is, no one's help is useless for cyprus. we need you all.
my top priority is to preserve the areas we have and to keep our bonuses for as longer as possible.
my plans for the economy are simple. to collect a large stock of weapons and money, that can be used in future times of war or emergency. this can be done via mm, where a national organization can make several golds per day. bekir pasha did a great job with the stock while president, so he is my choice for this area. i know taxation is high in certain products, so there's a need to find the right balance in order not to lose revenues from the state, but also not prohibit the development of new players.
military department
the key is to have daily battle orders! sometimes for our own battles and some other times for our alliances, terra and eden. we must know each day what battle is important and not waste any influence! the b.o. will go out daily in the three official languages of cyprus (english - greek - turkish). supplies will be provided to all military units in the country. also in important battles, it we will examine the possibility to hire military units and big tanks from abroad, to help with their influence. my choice here is jackjumper.
foreign affairs
it is very important to maintain our good relations with our alliances. our aim is to ensure their support when we need it and us to help them whenever they need us, in any area. there are even thoughts to transport people with companies in countries with high bonuses to increase our state reserves with volunteer work. my choices for this position are andrei lebowski and karlos marxopoulos.
internal affairs
my biggest goal in this area is a program for upgrading the town halls of the players, to give everyone as much health as possible, available for daily battles. there are money and are enough for everyone. the development of young players is very important. at the same time i believe that we can bring big players in cyprus, giving them cs to help our society even more.
the full announcement of the composition of the government will be available in a new article, after the elections. the government want people from all parties and all nationalities.
özet: ağır huur çocuğu detected -
0iaberis for cp o/
0iaberis was here zaaaaaaaa xD
0iron penis was here
0he is delikanlı pic
0he is poor pic.
0the liseliest man in the world
olm çocuğun sosyalleşebildiği tek yer burasıydı
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