+1 -2hi guys i just came back from scotland and i will tell you what i had over there. i have a gf and she lives there. i visited her family and stayed there for 2 weeks. i had fantastic times there and i learnt a few scottish words. i landed in edinburgh airport and my gf's family was waiting for me at the front of airport. And it took one and half an hour to arrive dundee that where they live in scotland. We had dinner in turkish restaurant that called was ottoman restaurant. i loved foods there. i had yarim ekmek kofte there. Anyway we just left restaurant after dinner and went to shopping. i was in tesco btw mostly british people buys the things from tesco. Tesco should be the same as bim in turkey. Anyway i fnished shopping and i would pay for the things. i looked to casheer and i said am gunu yag in turkish. She thonk i said im gonna yawn and she recommend me to go to sleep. i had a good holiday tho. Whats your ideas for the casheer guys? Xxxxxx
+1"yarim ekmek kofte" ye saygi duydum
-1Shall inci comment about me? He can not even fuck me. Anan zaa mr. Serkan
0Will nobody comment about this??? :(
0Oh respect! Xxx
0olum yds cok zor amk sıkı tuttum 20 soru 3 doru 9 yanlıs 8 bos 20 soru cozdum deneme ahahhaa
0There were 80 questions ages ago ak. Why you solved only 20 questions? Ehuum is there no 80 questions in yds exam anymore?
0Can inci speak my language?
dokununcu nesil inci sözlük yazarı
genel ulan
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