0what do you guys say?
0oh, i am sorry about the end of the topic. 'whlie' should has been 'while'
0in fact, i thought that somebody would like to some chatting in english. that could be useful about guys who want to learn and practice some english
0so? does exsist any volunteer?
0oh, i can't believe that. you guys such a dumbs. all your know is talking about sexual craps! you're just damn loosers and fucking assholes!
0@11 oh, thank god I finally have found a bro who speaks english. how are u doing body? what is up?
0offf.. nobody speaks english as cool as me. i got bored. gotta go, thanks anyway. see you later guys, have a great day. bye
0@16 oww I didn't see that. sorry, alright let's continue together. I definitely got what you said and how ryou feeling cause I have the same bullshits everyday for a while. and also i miss my beautiful country so much! :(
0@21 it should be: they said there are some pussies over there so here we are
0@24 im sorry man, i do not have any sister but you might have a fuckin slut mom. sounds nice
0@26 don't piss me off
0@28 correction panpa. thanks for correction;)
0@29 do you really want to know where is going to the fucking world? it is going to your fuckin mom's little bitch pussy
0@31 bro i live in the usa. you don't want to vie with me:) i assure you;)
0@35 it's not a big deal champ. enjoy it
0@38 beaceuse i got bored and wanted some differances, was that a really foolish idea? i don't think so bro..
0@40 what a lucky number bro:) good for you.. it's pretty cool
0anyway i have to leave right now. see you guys later. next time, i want more friends that i can chat with them, and when all we meet together; i'm gonna kick your little sweet asses you assholes! byeee ;)
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 20 01 2025
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