/i/Yabancı Dil

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    i think we can start to talking english in this dictionary after all. in my opinion Turkish is also a dead language.
  1. 2.
    Dictionary nedir lan ahahahhahaha
  2. 3.
    Dead languege hmn ok
  3. 4.
    Exactly it is
  4. 5.
    why are you keep giving me thumbs down guys ?
  5. 6.
    Firtsly hi everyone. Im dj attention. I dont diss to you again fuck you okey ?
  6. 7.
    wrong, not dead we can still use it. you can still use it, i can still use it and communication is also possible so it means turkish isnt dead. even the last person who speak turkish is alive, language cant be considered dead.