
Bu altincide saçmalamak serbest !
  1. 1.
    en zor kısmı bana geldi amk


    And all the other boys,
    Try to chase me,
    But here's my number,
    So call me,maybe

    Kimse söylemedi :d
    1. 1.
      And all the other boys,
      Try to chase me,
      But here's my number,
      So call me, maybe

      Haberim yokmuş gibi yaz panpa
  2. 2.
    end avdi aftı boy çarı çeeesssmiii bat his may nabır so kamın beyiii
  3. 3.
    but here is my phone number
    so call me maybe
  4. 4.
    ___#####_______________ #######___
  5. 5.
    Keman sesi