1. 1.
    albüm olur, grup olur, sadece bir parça olur.
    Şimdiden tşkler...
  2. 2.
    Heavy Metal diyosun judas priest dinlicen yiğidim..
  3. 3.
    saka bi yana 1 yıldır metal rock... hatta hiç müzik dinlemiyorum lan
  4. 4.
  5. 5.
    Saxon da iyidir.
    Öncesinde tabiyki de
    Black sabbath...
  6. 6.
    (bkz: birinci nesiller atışıyo biz atışamazmıyız)
  7. 7.
    bak panpa sana lordi diyorum başka bişey demiyorum.
    al bikaç şarksı :

  8. 8.
    children of bodom'a heavy metal diyen kızların ilgisini çekmek için "metalci" olmuş ağır ergendir beyler... kaçın.
  9. 9.
    burda 2 .3 grup bilip hava atan gerzek çok... hele kızlar cidden çoğu gerizekalı... bende kızım ama bazen diyom acaba bunu ortadan kaldırmak için na yapabilirim diye düşünüyorum...
  10. 10.
    @22 pasif gay beyler musallat oldu bırakmıyor.
  11. 11.
    and nothing else matters..
  12. 12.
    @23 e tanışalım diye msj attım... kızdan bıkmış olcaaki erkek arıyo... bana olmaz dedi... ben hetero.. niye kıza msj yazcamki... tabıkı erkeğe yazcam... normalim çünkü... normalide bu... istemiyosa defolsun gitsin... erkek yok diilya... 2 msj attık kendini bi ..ok sandı... salak
  13. 13.
    " Wasp " Dinle.
  14. 14.
    slayer-raining blood
  15. 15.
    metallica-turn the page
    alter brigde-metalingus
  16. 16.
    ağır metallerdendir.
  17. 17.
    ccc black metal giber ccc

    ccc nargaroth ccc
  18. 18.
    çok derin yerden girdin hacı , nasıl gruplar mesela , hangi grupları biliyosun veya hiç dinlemedin mi bu müziği önceden
  19. 19.
    nothing else matters panpa süper.
  20. 20.
    children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom children of bodom
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