-1why amk? i told you so much why we should this , how we should even i show some examples why are you so unsupportive to this.
come on guys i don't say always speak in english just some titles could be in english.
+2why fuck are you forcing people? don't you know 90 percent of people here is perverts, homosexuals, and sons of bitches?
0anlıyorum ama yazamıyorum pek. ne desem aklıma gelmiyor. ama "that sounds great"
ehehehe -
0only few people speak english in there, and half of them avoiding inci sözlük in summer, because teens are raping inci.
0send panpa
0you should watch american or english tv shows instead of being a dick by forcing people to speak english
0and why don't you ever write an answer? you opened a title today just like this one; i cursed you and your mom a lot, and you didn't answered!
i'll fuck your nick6
i'm fucking it right now -
0@2 no pain no gain , this application improve.
@3 very well , you don't have to speak in english under this title.
just indicate your opinions sometimes in english try it at least. -
0oh so you wrote an answer? well, i don't have to fuck your nick6 anymore. and it's not the proper way to use "no pain no gain"
+2did you get your grammar from manav?
0@10 well what should i say? teach me
+1@11 i laughed you bastard shuku!
0if you d like to speak english. go to some chatting website. this way both you and us will be happy. stop fucking the consept here. i suggest you to learn and use your own language with proud.
turkey is belong to turks.
(bkz: iam britain s dog thats why iam writing in english) -
0@12 you should use the word (or saying) "no pain no gain" under circumstances which you have lost something huge to win a small price
0why do you behave so privative , whats wrong with this?
i just want we learn from each other , young bros wory about english , elin afganistanlısı konuşuyo biz konuşamıyoz amk . -
+1if you really would like to learn this language, maybe i can be of assistance. but i must say, your grammar is terrible. where did you learn it?
0böyle öğrenemezsin oğlum ben de hata yapıyorumdur az da olsa
0I like makarna
0@15 i don't think so. no pain no gain refers huge benefits requires pain.
so in this perspective people who dont know english or know some try to understand , use dictionary with this app. and gain from this difficulties. -
0why dont you dicekti heralde.