1. 1.
    +8 -2
    yok lan. gözlerimi dinlendiriyodum.
  2. 2.
    +2 -8
    lan soktuğumun kafirleri gibtirıolun gidin ekşiye burası müslüman mahallesi
  3. 3.
    +4 -1
    doğrumu lan :(
  4. 4.
    +3 -2
    oldu ben oldurdum muallakyi.
  5. 5.
    lan amık incinin nufus cüzdanı varda ordamı yazıyo müslüman olduğu.
  6. 6.
    adamlar bizi gömecek dıbına koyayım. 43 yıl sonra hala albüm çıkartıyorlar. bu da en iyi şarkısıdır ha.
  7. 7.
    +1 -1
    black sabbath patlatmış bombayı sözlerini de yazayım da tam olsun..

    Lost in the darkness
    I fade from the light
    Faith of my father, my brother, my Maker and Savior
    Help me make it through the night
    Blood on my conscious
    And murder in mind
    Out of the gloom I rise up from my tomb into impending doom
    Now my body is my shrine

    The blood runs free
    The rain turns red
    Give me the wine
    You keep the bread
    The voices echo in my head
    Is God alive or is God dead?
    Is God dead?

    Rivers of evil
    Run through dying land
    Swimming in sorrow, they kill, steal, and borrow. There is no tomorrow
    For the sinners will be damned
    Ashes to ashes
    You cannot exhume a soul
    Who do you trust when corruption and lust, creed of all the unjust,
    Leaves you empty and unwhole?
    When will this nightmare be over? Tell me!
    When can I empty my head?
    Will somebody tell me the answer?
    Is God really dead?
    Is God really dead?

    To safeguard my philosophy
    Until my dying breath
    I transfer from reality
    Into a mental death
    I empathize with enemy
    Until the timing’s right
    With God and Satan at my side
    From darkness will come light

    I watch the rain
    And it turns red
    Give me more wine
    I don’t need bread
    These riddles that live in my head
    I don’t believe that God is dead
    God is dead

    Nowhere to run
    Nowhere to hide
    Wondering if we will me again
    On the other side
    Do you believe a word
    what the Good Book said?
    Or is it just a holy fairytale
    And God is dead?
    God is Dead x4


    But still the voices in my head
    Are telling me that god is dead
    The blood pours down
    The rain turns red
    I don’t believe that God is dead
    God is Dead x4

    (bkz: copy paste değil alın teri)

  8. 8.
    +1 -1
    god is dead- nietzsche
    nietzsche is dead- god
  9. 9.
    hadi cenaze namazı kılalım.O nun buyruğuydu bu gerçi.ne yapacaz lan o zman kafam karıştı.

    Allah rahmet eylesin desek. kendine mi eyleyecek. benim kafa almadı dostlar
  10. 10.



  11. 11.
    and no one cares
    if there is a hell
    i see u there
  12. 12.
    god was never alive

    tum dini gorusler + ateizmin ortak gorusudur.
  13. 13.
    @1 gavurca konuşla lan dümbük.
  14. 14.
    ragnarök olunca herkes ölücek
  15. 15.
    @1 doğru avradını gibtiğim
  16. 16.
    ozzy nin sesi yarram gibi olmuş lan puahauahahahhaha yazık olmuş amk
  17. 17.
    god is immortal
  18. 18.
    god is mustaine
  19. 19.
    yok lan burdayım daha
  20. 20.
    ozzy giber