0zeka seviyesi düşürülüyor
-saçlar havaya dkiliyor-`
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Geçen xd xd kanklarla takılıyoruz tamam mı xd xd arabanın anahtarıyla marlboş aynen masanın üstünde falan xd anlayın işte starbaks ortamı cam kenarı xd xd dedim ki yaw gece diskoya miskoya gidelim de açılalım xd baki de dedi ki yaw kank disko olur da misko sakat xd xd biz öl bit sıç yerlerde xd neyse taam dedik gidelim ama cash para lazım oluyo oralarda dedi tülay tamam mı xd xd erkek olceksiniz bir de falan dedi money var mı dedi xd xd ben de dedim ki xd xd baaaaaki, kaç liram var? xd ortam bir dumur falan oldu, ne alaka gibisinden xd xd ben de dedim ki yaw bakiye sordum işte xd xd tahmin edeceğiniz gibi biz öl bit ıkın sıç kus yerlerde bir tek baki öyle bakıyordu ona da sonra serumla verdik espriyi xd lol lmao lmfao omg
-xd process terminated-
ccc terminator ccc - 2.
0ccc zihinsel engelliler için xd ccc
01. XD
A laughing face. Hey, it's better than lol.
When I was walking to the mall my friends got hit by a car and were killed XD
by Johnson Mar 29, 2003 share this
XD images
Pix_leftarrow of 3 Pix_rightarrow
2. XD
1. An internet expression that will hopefully replace LOL as the laughing symbol.
2. An internet expression that gets annoying if overused.
1. (the right way to use it)
Person 1: *tells a dumb joke*
Person 2: You try so hard that's it's funny. XD
2. (the wrong way to use it)
Person 1: I walked my dog ealier.
Person 2: XD
Person 1: Then I fed the cat
Person 2: XD
Person 2: XD
Person 1: Die.
Person 2: XD
by Fork You Dec 9, 2004 share this
3. XD
A symbol with X being the eyes and D being the mouth, to make a seeming of the person having squinched eyes and a mouth wide open laughing. This is usually used to replace rofl, as the X for eyes indicates that they are laughing so hard they may have fallen off their chair. Usually used in mmorpgs and chat lines.
Example 1:
Person 1: Hah i hacked some n00b's account then went and spammed lots of people and got it reported!!1!
Person 2: Omg XD haha he must be so pissed!
by magikchicken Mar 26, 2005 share this
4. XD
Originally used by anime-loving internet addicts, this face can express happiness and laughter, but is also frequently used when being flirtatious.
Net Girl: I gotta go. I'm gonna take a shower.
Net Guy: Mind if I join ya? XD
by Vertigo Jan 11, 2004 share this
5. xD
A smiley laughing hard.
But also a an olympus card for cameras.
"OMG That was so fun!! xD"
"Amazon.com: Electronics: Olympus 256 MB xD Picture Card"
by ElectricNet Feb 24, 2005 share this
6. XD
A phrase which genrally expresses the randomness, hilarity, embarrasment, etc. Often used in chatrooms of various kinds.
PERSON 1: Two hamburgers walked into a bar and the barman said, 'Sorry, we don't serve food.'
A: We squashed oranges in the canteen at lunch.
by Kitty_1992 May 27, 2005 share this
7. XD
An text-smilie with a usage somewhere between 'lol' and ':D'. Visually similar to the clenched eyes of South Park characters.
"Hey, wanna cyber???"
"XD" -
0@12 xd kısaltmasını çıkaran beyinsizi aradım, o metin çıktı.
0xd lol kısaltmasının aptal smiley hali imiş.
boşuna eks di eks di diye okumuşum o kadar. - 7.
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