0@16 fuck you
0fuck the fuckin fuckers
-that's it- -
0bobi'nin hayal dünyası terk aq
0@13 bastın fucka bastın ..
0fuck are you ?
0consent deil lan yarram control
- 12.
0@7 pamuk prenses 2 terk.
0are you sex?
0fuck up
0özet : we are the best, fuck off the rest
(U)nder the
(C)onsent of the
The latter is fucking true. In olden days the fucking Knights were on fucking crusades and wanted to fuck, but they needed the royal fucks permission to fuck around
Here's to you and here's to me, and if by chance we disagree, than fuck YOU..and here's to me! -
0Dear Fucker...
You are my fucked friend...
And I hope u know thats fucked true...
No matter what the fuck happens...
I will stand the fuck by u...
I will fucked be there for u...
When ever the fuck u need me...
To lend a fucked hand...
To do a fucked good deed...
So fucked call on me...
Whenever the fuck u need me...
fuck, i will always be there...
Even to the bitter fucked end... -
0I'm sure you can think of many more examples. With all of these multipurpose applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word?! We say use this unique, flexible word more often in your daily speech. It will identify the quality of your character immediately. So say it loudly and proudly...
"fuck YOU!" -
0In English, fuck falls into many grammatical categories. As a transitive verb for instance:
"John Fucked Shirley" As an intransitive verb: "Shirley fucks"
It's meaning's not always sexual. It can be used as an adjective such as:
"John's doing all the fucking work" As part of an adverb: "Shirley talks to fucking much"
As an adverb enhancing an adjective: "Shirley is fucking beautiful" As a noun: "I don't give a fuck" As part of a word: "Abso-fucke*-lutely" or "In-fucke*-credible"
And, as almost every word in a sentence: "fuck the fucking Fuckers"
As you must realise there aren't to many words with the versatility of fuck. As in these examples, describing situations, such as fraud: "I got Fucked at the used car lot"
Dismay: "Oh, fuck it" Trouble: "I guess I'm really Fucked now" Aggression: "Don't fuck with me buddy" Difficulty" "I don't understand this fucking question" Inquiry: "Who the fuck was that?" Dissatisfaction: "I don't like what the fuck is going on here" Incompetence: "He's a fuck off" Dismissal: "Why don't you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself" -
0Ambiguity "I'm not so fucking sure."
Agreement "Absofuckinglutely."
Questioning "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Hypocrisy "Don't you dare fucking swear at me you fucking fucker."
Refusal "Oh you can fuck right off."
Pissed off "fuck the fucking Fuckers!"
Be quiet "Shut the fuck up."
Ostentation "He's just bought a big, fuck-off Mercedes."
Sensuousness "She was wearing a pair of red leather, fuck-me boots."
Confidence "fucking' A."
Impressed "That was fucking amazing."
Apathy "I don't give a fuck."
Bewilderment "Fucked if I know."
Enraged "I'm gonna fuck you up!"
Annoyance "For fuck's sake." -
0Confusion "What the fuck... ?"
Difficulty "I don't understand this fucking thing."
Despair "Fucked again."
Good Job "Congratufuckinglations."
Desperation "fuck."
Incompetence "He fucks up everything."
Disappointment "This fucking fucker is Fucked."
Sex "Let's fuck."
Maternal "Motherfucker." -
0Here are some examples of this fucking cool word being used in every day English
Greetings "How the fuck are you?"
Fraud "I was Fucked by the McDonalds Drive Through."
Dismay "Oh, fuck it."
Trouble "Well, I guess I'm Fucked again."
Aggression "fuck you!!!"
Disgust "fuck me!!!"
Surprise "fuck me!!!"
mkult nikli orman çocuğu
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 05 01 2025
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