0özet: vay anasının amı...
in response to gordon's question about how the
government planned to take forward the commitment in the
coalition agreement to seek the removal of all remaining
nuclear weapons from germany, heusgen distanced the
chancellery from the proposal, claiming that this had been
forced upon them by fm westerwelle. heusgen said that from
his perspective, it made no sense to unilaterally withdraw
"the 20" tactical nuclear weapons still in germany while
russia maintains "thousands" of them. it would only be worth
it if both sides drew down. gordon noted that it was
important to think through all the potential consequences of
the german proposal before going forward. for example, a
withdrawal of nuclear weapons from germany and perhaps from
belgium and the netherlands could make it very difficult
politically for turkey to maintain its own stockpile, even
though it was still convinced of the need to do so.
http://cablegate.wikileak...2009/11/09berlin1433.html -
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