1. 25.
    Yapmacık sahte aşıklara yazılmış olabilir
  2. 24.
    @22 doğru söylüyor
  3. 23.
    ilki buydu
  4. 22.
    Ben seveyim yeter bana
  5. 21.
    eksiciler balon dio bu gruba alayini gibim
  6. 20.
    And it wears me out, it wears me out
    It wears me out, it wears me out

    If i could be who you wanted
    If i could be who you wanted all the time, all the time

    I played this song while I was contemplating suicide. I was (still) facing a lot of heartache: my asperger's is a significant obstacle to my social life, my dad physically and verbally abuses me, and the women i love are nice but are shallow, materialistic and don't love me back. By august 26, these things wore me out and i finally tried to kill myself because i felt like no one will ever love me enough to stop hurting me like my dad or love me for who i am. If i could be who she wanted me to be, i feel that women would finally accept me. this shallowness of our society just destroys good hearted people who may not be gorgeous but have a lot to offer. this song is easily one of my favorite songs but it is also one of the saddest songs for this reason.
  7. 19.
    bu şarkı çok garip bi şarkı
  8. 18.
    benim cep tel melodim l
  9. 17.
    la major
  10. 16.
    harika lan bu. olm radiohead dinlemeyeni harbiden gibiyim yani öyle böyle değil anasını gibiyim yani.
  11. 15.
    bunun klibinde ne anlattığını anlayan var mı bir tak anlamadım.
  12. 14.
    hakkınızda yanlış düşünmüşüm beyler affedin
  13. 13.
    street spirit'ten buraya geldim amk. ne şarkı ama
  14. 12.
    thom reyiz hislerime tercüman olmuş.

    (bkz: kevaşe)
  15. 11.
    thom reyizin if i could be who you wanted diye fısıldadığı anda içi titremeyen varsa onun ben kalbini gibeyim.
  16. 10.
    klibi çok güzel layn garip grup bişey beeyle.
  17. 9.
    her green plastic watering-can
    for her fake chinese rubber plants
    in fake plastic world,
    that she brought from a rubber man
    from a town full of rubber plants
    to get rid of itself.

    and it wears her out

    she lives with a broken man,
    with cracked polystyrene man
    who just crumbles and burns.
    she used to do surgery
    for the girls of the eighties,
    but gravity always wins.

    and it wears him out.

    she looks like a real thing,
    she tastes like a real thing,
    my fake plastic love.
    but i can't help the feeling,
    i could blow through the ceiling
    if i just turn and run.

    and it wears me out.

    if i could be who you wanted...
    if i could be who you wanted...
    all the time...
    all the time...
  18. 8.
    bu şarkı gibisi yok binler.
  19. 7.
    beyler adam çaylak
  20. 6.
    nasıl bi şarkı bu lan. çok acayip bi his veriyo amk