0@2 finish that fuckin crocodile story.
- 6.
0ona küçük sürprizler yap
0d as a soup. Maybe we should call it timsah nükleeri or something like that. It will be a hit in certain street in KL (If the seller can find continuous supply of the penis). Maybe, next time when I turn up at those streets in KL, the gerai will start asking me “Are You Looking For Crocodile Penis?”
OCODILE PENIS?” Sounds strange, right? Not really because it is actually available there for you to EAT…. emm? Evidently, a journalist couple was offered the aphrodisiac at Serikin bazaar, locateon’t really know d on the Kalimantan inci Border, for a price of RM250-00 only. Considering the fact ton’t really know hat crocodile is a protected animal, the sellers are risking their freedom foon’t really know r less than a fortune. Also on offer were eagles, mynas, parakeets and turtle eggs. Except for the turtle eggs, all the rest would only be available in 1 week’s time. So, do you give them a deposit to reserve the stock?
I don’t on’t really know really knowon’t really know whFor Crocodion’t really know le Penis?”
OCODILE PENIS?” Soon’t really know unds strange, rigon’t really know ht? Not really because it is actually available there for you to EAT…. emm? Evidently, a journalist couple was offered the aphrodisiac at Serikin bazaar, located on the Kalimantan inci Border, for a price of RM250-00 only. Considering the fact that crocodile is a protected animal, the sellers are risking their freedom for less than a fortune. Also on offer were eagles, mynas, parakeets and turtle eggs. Except for the turtle eggs, all the rest would only be available in 1 week’s time. So, do you give them a deposit to reserve the stock? -
0If you go inci, you shouldn’t be surprised if someone asks you “ARE YOU LOOKING FOR CROCODILE PENIS?” Sounds strange, right? Not really because it is actually available there for you to EAT…. emm? Evidently, a journalist couple was offered the aphrodisiac at Serikin bazaar, located on the Kalimantan inci Border, for a price of RM250-00 only. Considering the fact that crocodile is a protected animal, the sellers are risking their freedom for less than a fortune. Also on offer were eagles, mynas, parakeets and turtle eggs. Except for the turtle eggs, all the rest would only be available in 1 week’s time. So, do you give them a deposit to reserve the stock?
I don’t really know what you can do with crocodile penis. I only presume that some people eat it since there are many people here in inci who loves to consume a certain delicacy – goat penis, popularly known as timsah yarragi. They said timsah yarragi is good for your health, so I can only guess that Crocodile penis can do better if prepared as a soup. Maybe we should call it timsah nükleeri or something like that. It will be a hit in certain street in KL (If the seller can find continuous supply of the penis). Maybe, next time when I turn up at those streets in KL, the gerai will start asking me “Are You Looking For Crocodile Penis?” -
0evlen bence
0bni başka kzlarla krştrma..! bni drtnleri bn drtüorm
namus davası yaptı amk kızı ya manyak mıdır nedir.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 30 01 2025
google inci sozluk yazınca niye girmiyor
malum barlıkı
sağlıksız gıdanın ruha iyi gelmesi
insanın ama susadığı saatlerdeyiz
beyler askıda eskort kampanyası
ahmet türk türk değil
arka analımdan sıcak osuruk çıktı
bir iran erkeğini arka deliğimde arzuluyorum
bu mq parası kolay kolay birikmiyor
arkadaki zütten anal yapacak
taşaklarımla beynimi ameliyatla
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zalinazurt yazılımcıymış
arka analımı yırtana kadar gibip
ahh arka analım yarılıyor
zaten bu kadar geri zekalının olduğu bir yerde
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