0tabi ebe gibmek şart olur.
0it s the football that s the football
0it doesnt matter for us for me' big game easy than other games' unfortunately' every time is we have to control the games under the control the games' during the games we have some possibilities big chances some big okazyon' something like that' but what can i do sometimes?
and its the football thats the football' something happened everything is something happened' anyway now is in the tabela we have to seen the situation now is second position and one point more' i dont want to see the back i want to see the front and i hope so tomorrow my teams.. - 5.
0it doesnt matter for us for me' big game easy than other games' unfortunately' every time is we have to control the games under the control the games' during the games we have some possibilities big chances some big okazyon' something like that' but what can i do sometimes?
and its the football thats the football' something happened everything is something happened' anyway now is in the tabela we have to seen the situation now is second position and one point more' i dont want to see the back i want to see the front and i hope so tomorrow my teams.. -
0it doesnt matter for us for me' big game easy than other games' unfortunately' every time is we have to control the games under the control the games' during the games we have some possibilities big chances some big okazyon' something like that' but what can i do sometimes?
and its the football thats the football' something happened everything is something happened' anyway now is in the tabela we have to seen the situation now is second position and one point more' i dont want to see the back i want to see the front and i hope so tomorrow my teams.. -
0lady godiva, pembememeucu,freud
zeka seviyeleriniz aynı beyler dağılabilirsinz
ya rasat sen ne mal adamsın
burda olmayan var mı
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iyii akşşamlar sözlük
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ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 12 02 2025
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sözlük hala yavasss
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