1. 1.
    @1 olayım az
  2. 2.
    müziği çok güzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel
  3. 3.
    bune lan 6 entrymi girilmiş. benim bildiğim herkes bu oyundaki maceralarını anlatmaya bayılır. Ben 1337 yılında Kuzey Amerika'da kendi ülkemi yaratmıştım. Şimdi yıl 2100, durumlar güzel dünyayı ele geçirmeye doğru gidiyoruz.
  4. 4.
    Oyun değil bir deneyim amk
  5. 5.
    Spain yaması adamdır.
  6. 6.
    1.27 Poland sürümü şerefine Polonyayla dünya fethi yapıcam
  7. 7.
    Eeeey Avrupaaaa Sen kimsin yaa
  8. 8.
    Oyunu 1456 da mı ne başlattım baktım Fatih uçurmuş memleketi. Yarım saattir Fatih yapmış ya diyorum
  9. 9.
    extended timeline oynayın beyler 1967'de arjantinle oynuyorum brezilyanın belasını gibtim yakında şiliye dalacağım katolik oldum dıbına godumun laik güney amerika devletlerini gibiyorum
  10. 10.
    Dünyanın en eğlenceli oyunudur.

    Şu anda Etiyopya ile oynuyorum kafir sünnileri afrikadan atmak görevim, Memlükler gibecek belamı, Yemen rival, versiyon 13.1
  11. 11.
    şunun adam akıllı türkçe linkini verin ingilizcem yetmiyor
  12. 12.

  13. 13.
    oyun değil bildiğin simulatör amk bazen sıkılıp kapatıyorum ama oynattırıyo ipne oyun *
  14. 14.
    oha oha oha amk pis cahilleri
  15. 15.
    Paradox Interactive'in amiral gemisi olan oyun.

    PAradox oyunları tarihsel sıralamaya riayet edilerek oynandığında güzel bi tat bırakıyor. Bir de Baldur's Gate gibi ya da Mass Effect gibi save dosyaları oyundan oyuna aktarılabilse, efsane olacak.

    Sırayla: Europa Universalis: Rome - Crusader Kings - Europa Universalis - Victoria - Hearts of Iron

    şeklinde oynandı mı, adamı cin gibi çarpar.

    Ben severim ama bayılmam bu arada. Benim tarzım değil pek ama çok iyi oyunlar gerçekten.
  16. 16.
    +1 -2
    " Tuşu ile konsolu açarsınız (ESCnin altında)

    nopausetext - Pause yazısını daha güzel ssler için kaldırır.
    nextsong - Şarkıyı değiştirir.
    date [date in format yyyy.mm.dd] - Tarihi değiştirir
    time - Saat kaç?
    oos - Make the client go oos
    combatsound - How often does the combat view give a random sound? 0-50
    morehumans(humans) [num] - Daha çok insan ekler
    window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name] - Opens or closes the specified window
    reload [file name] - Reloads the gui or lua file
    reloadinterface - Reloads the entire interface
    reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename] - Reloads the shader
    reloadtexture [texture file name] - Reloads the specified texture
    reloadloc - Reloads the localisation
    poll - Polls valid Events
    event [event id] [<Target Country Tag>] - Event gerçekleştirir
    die(kill) [<Target Country Tag>] - monarch'ı öldürür
    add_heir [<Target Country Tag>] - Heir ekler
    kill_heir [<Target Country Tag>] - heir'i öldürür
    siege [<Province ID>] - eyaletteki kuşatmayı kazanırsınız
    annex [<Target Country Tag>] - ülkeyi ilhak etmeye başlarsınız
    integrate [<Target Country Tag>] - Begin integrate/integrates the specified tag
    vassalize [<Target Country Tag>] - Vassalize the specified tag
    discover [<Target Country Tag>] - Discover capital of target tag
    winwars - Gives max war score in all wars for the country
    spritelevel [<Sprite level>] - Sets a forced sprite level. Specify no argument to reset.
    papvotes - Shows all votes for a cardinal in the tooltip of his name
    kill_cardinal - Listedeki ilk kardinali öldürür
    clear - Konsolu temizler
    validateevents - Tüm eventleri tetiklemeden gösterir
    testevent [<Event ID>] [<Character ID>] - Bir eventi tetiklemeden dener
    testmission [<Mission Name>] - Bir görevi tetiklemeden dener
    cash [<Amount>] - Oyuncuya altın verir
    population [<ProvinceID>] [<Amount>] - Eyalete nüfus ekler
    setmissionaryprogress [<ProvinceID>] [<Amount>] - Eyaletteki misyonerin görev yüzdesini değiştirir.
    manpower [<Amount>] - Oyuncuya manpower verir.
    add_natives [<ProvinceID>] [<Amount>] - Add natives to given province
    add_reformlevel [<Amount>] - Add reform level to the empire
    add_opinion [<Country tag>] - Add opinion to/from tag
    add_pi [<Country tag>] - Add papal influence to tag
    add_pa [<Country tag>] - Add patriach authority to tag
    add_cb [<casus belli tag>] [<target country tag>] - Add casus belli against target country
    remove_cb [<casus belli tag>] [<target country tag>] - Remove casus belli from target country
    tag [<Country tag>] - Switch tag to another country
    reset_mission_cancel [<Country tag>] - Switch tag to another country
    remove_defender_faith - Removes the defender of the Faith for the players religion
    add_missionary [<Country tag>] - Adds a missionary to a country
    add_colonist [<Country tag>] - Adds a colonist to a country
    add_interest [<Country tag>] - Add specified country tag to your interest
    remove_interest [<Country tag>] - Removes specified country tag from your interest
    add_diplo - Adds diplomatic entroute
    add_idea_group [<Idea group key>] - Adds the specified idea group
    power [<stability/tech_table_key/idea_key>] - Adds the specified idea group
    powerpoints [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get power in all powers
    adm [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get administrative power
    dip [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get diplomatic power
    mil [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get military power
    piety [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Get/Add piety
    stability [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] - Increase the stability of your country
    imperial_authority [] - Increase your Imperial Authority
    prestige [] - Increase your prestige
    PrintSynchStuff - Prints random count and seed
    SetRandomCount - Sets the randomcount to 0 or arg
    observe(spectator) - Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game
    fow(debug_fow) [<Province ID> OPTIONAL] - Turns off fog of war in a province or in general
    collision(debug_collision) - Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision
    ti(debug_ti) - Toggles Terra Incognita on/off
    savegame - Creates an savefile.
    IP - Shows your IP
    requestgamestate - Requests the gamestate from host
    nudge - Go to the nudge tool
    revolt [<Province ID>] - Starts a Revolt in a province
    pirate [<Province ID>] - Starts a Pirate in a province
    legitimacy [<AMOUNT>] - Set the legitimacy of the ruler
    mapmode [Mapmode type (int)] - Change mapmode.
    fullscreen - Toggles fullscreen
    score - Score output.
    balance - Region Balance output.
    prices - Price Info
    add_core [<Province ID>] - Add core
    remove_core [<Province ID>] - Remove core
    own [<Province ID>] - Change ownership
    controll [<Province ID>] - Change controller
    selflearningai - Enables/Disables Self-Learning AI
    aiview - Toggles additional AI info
    yesman - Toggles AI positive responses
    memory - Prints out the used memory
    msg - Toggles all messages popup
    helplog - Print out all console commands to game.log file.
    help [command name] - Print out all console commands or a specific command description.
    helphelp - Double Rainbow help.
    manpower - Gives 50,000 manpower


    List of events Name of events Event's effect
    4021 Philosopher +1 stab / +50 prestige
    4022 Scientific evolution -10% ADM tech cost
    4023 Land investment -10% MIL tech cost
    4024 Naval investment -10% DIP tech cost
    4025 Reduced stability cost -20% stability cost
    4026 Trading investment -10% DIP tech cost
    4027 Theologian +2% missionary strenght
    4028 Governement investment -10% ADM tech cost
    4029 More tarriffs +10% global tarriff
    4030 Spymaster +15% spy offense/defense
    4031 DIP power bonus +50 DIP power point
    4032 DIP power bonus +25 DIP power point
    4104 Master of Mint +0.1 yearly inflation reduction
    4110 Experienced navigator +10% colonial range
    4114 Truly great captain +0.25 moral of army
    4115 Brilliant Army Organizer +10% land forcelimit modifier
    4116 Inspirational Leader +10% discipline
    4117 Competent Quatermaster +15% reinforcement speed
    4118 Extraordinary Master Recruiter +10% national manpower modifier
    4119 Great Defensive Thinking +25% fort defense
    4120 National Security +10% National spy defense
    5015 Excellent minister +10 army/navy tradition
    5019 Excellent year +50% tax modifier
    5023 Rush of merchand +1 merchand
    5024 Diplomatic move +30 opinion random country
    5039 Agricultural Revolution Gain base tax or manpower in province
    6418 excellent year gain manpower
    6419 Excellent vintage -5% local revolt risk
    6423 hardy seamem +2 navy tradition
    6426 Excellent supplies -5% heavy light ship cost
    9469 Heir born "under a star" gives choice between Alexander (6 MIL), Caesar (6 ADM), or Johan (6 DIP)
    ideagroups.102 More Nobility in the Army +5 army tradition
    ideagroups.110 Nobles support the State -2 war exhaustion
    ideagroups.207 Better Administration -2 inflation
    ideagroups.208 Our People Revel in Freedom -5% stability cost
    ideagroups.213 For Freedom +0.5 moral of army
    ideagroups.214 Our Rights -2 national revolt risk
    ideagroups.215 In Defense of the Mercantile Interest +1 mercantilism
    ideagroups.216 Agricultural Boom +5% production efficiency
    ideagroups.217 Tolerance for all +2 tolerance
    ideagroups.218 To the Colors +25% manpower recory /reinforce speed
    ideagroups.305 The Scientific Revolution Continues -2.5% DIP/MIL/ADM tech cost
    ideagroups.307 Innovation Wave -5% DIP/MIL/ADM tech cost
    ideagroups.500 New Spy techniques +10% spy offense
    ideagroups.600 Cabinet Dynamism +10% natioan ltax modifier
    ideagroups.602 Succesful Embassy +30 relation with random neighbor nation
    ideagroups.606 Improved Reputation +5 diplomatic reputation
    ideagroups.703 Recruits flock to the standards -30% recruitement time
    ideagroups.900 Business is Booming +5% trade efficiency
    ideagroups.902 Our Merchants are adventuring +25% trade range
    ideagroups.904 Trade Policy Success +25% trade range +5% trade efficiency
    ideagroups.906 Income Bonanza + income in random trade node
    ideagroups.907 Competitive Advantage +10% trade steering
    ideagroups.908 Cooperation with the Merchant class +5% national trade income
    ideagroups.909 Support for Mercantilist Policies +1 mercantilism
    ideagroups.1000 Popular Support for our Grand navy -5% naval maintenance modifier
    ideagroups.1004 Naval Developments -2.5% DIP tech cost
    ideagroups.1006 Improved Blockade Tactics +20% blocade efficiency
    ideagroups.1008 Naval Technical Developments -2.5% DIP tech cost
    ideagroups.1015 Our Fleet is the pride of the Nation +10 navy tradition
    ideagroups.1018 Abundance of Sailors +10 navy tradition
    ideagroups.1100 Production Improvements +10% production efficiency
    ideagroups.1102 Successful Bureaucracy +2.5% tax modifier
    ideagroups.1108 Local Tax Increase +1 base tax random province
    ideagroups.1200 Colonist Rush +5% settler chance +25 global settler -33% travel time
    ideagroups.1203 Excellent Viceroys +10% oversea income
    ideagroups.1306 Iron Ships +5% heavy ship combat ability
    ideagroups.1307 Protected Commerce +10% trade steering +5% light ship combat ability
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