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    kısa ama genel olarak doğrumu beyler yarın proficiency var yardım edin bi

    having a long lifespan

    it is a clearly fact that there are differences between people's lifespan. some people live longer than other people. even tough there are numerous reason why some people live longer than other people, nutritions and making exercise can be claimed to be most crucial two.
    to begin with, nutritions can be said to be most important reason why some people longer than other people. first of all, people have to care about what they eat owing to the fact that people who consume healthier food live longer than other people. in brief, if people want to have a long lifespan they have to avoid unhealthy food.
    making exercise can be belived to be another reason why some people live longer than other people.for example, people who make exercise regularly have healthier body and longer lifespan than other people. in short, thanks to making exercise regularly people have a long lifespan.
    as a consequence, making exercise and consuming healthier food can be said to be most significant reason why some people live longer than other people. in my personel view, key of the having a long lifespan is making exercise and consuming healthier food.
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    tmm panpa anladım saolasın okudugun için bide consuming healthier food türkçe düşündüm sanki besin tüketmek olarak kullanıomu acaba onlarda
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    @4 panpa saolasın haklısın hem bu şekilde örneklerle kelime sayısınıda tutturabilirim 1,5 senedir itünün hazırlıgını geçmeye ugrasıyorum amk ilk asamadan 41 aldım yarın 20 alsam yetecek 20 üstünden 9 10 alsam yeterr bana listeningle kurtarırım
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    @7 itü panpa
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    @9 giber giberde adamın iflagını giber panpa 1,5 senedr eziyet çekiyom resmen amk
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    @13 panpa hazırlıktaysan sene sonuna doğru sana söylencek olum salla lan temmuzdada sınav var geçeriz amk gibi sözlere inanma bide lan şimdi dersmi çekilir o karımı dinlenir hadi batağa gibi önerilerde bulunan arkadaslar edinme sonu iyi olmuyo