1. 1.
    +4 -1
    1 - Casablanca - (1942)
    2 - The Godfather - (1972)
    3 - Chinatown - (1974)
    4 - Citizen Kane - (1941)
    5 - All About Eve - (1950)
    6 - Annie Hall - (1977)
    7 - Sunset Blvd. - (1950)
    8 - Network - (1976)
    9 - Some Like It Hot - (1959)
    10 - The Godfather: Part II - (1974)
    11 - butch cassidy and the sundance kid - (1969)
    12 - dr. strangelove or: how i learned to stop worrying - (1964)
    13 - the graduate - (1967)
    14 - lawrence of arabia - (1962)
    15 - the apartment - (1960)
    16 - pulp fiction - (1994)
    17 - tootsie - (1982)
    18 - on the waterfront - (1954)
    19 - to kill a mockingbird - (1962)
    20 - it's a wonderful life - (1946)
    21 - north by northwest - (1959)
    22 - the shawshank redemption - (1994)
    23 - gone with the wind - (1939)
    24 - eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - (2004)
    25 - the wizard of oz - (1939)
    26 - double indemnity - (1944)
    27 - groundhog day - (1993)
    28 - shakespeare in love - (1998)
    29 - sullivan's travels - (1941)
    30 - unforgiven - (1992)
    31 - his girl friday - (1940)
    32 - fargo - (1996)
    33 - the third man - (1949)
    34 - sweet smell of success - (1957)
    35 - the usual suspects - (1995)
    36 - midnight cowboy - (1969)
    37 - the philadelphia story - (1940)
    38 - american beauty - (1999)
    39 - the sting - (1973)
    40 - when harry met sally - (1989)
    41 - goodfellas - (1990)
    42 - raiders of the lost ark - (1981)
    43 - taxi driver - (1976)
    44 - the best years of our lives - (1946)
    45 - one flew over the cuckoo's nest - (1975)
    46 - the treasure of the sierra madre - (1948)
    47 - the maltese falcon - (1941)
    48 - the bridge on the river kwai - (1957)
    49 - schindler's list - (1993)
    50 - the sixth sense - (1999)
    51 - broadcast news - (1987)
    52 - the lady eve - (1941)
    53 - all the president's men - (1976)
    54 - manhattan - (1979)
    55 - apocalypse now - (1979)
    56 - back to the future - (1985)
    57 - crimes and misdemeanors - (1989)
    58 - ordinary people - (1980)
    59 - it happened one night - (1934)
    60 - l.a. confidential - (1997)
    61 - the silence of the lambs - (1991)
    62 - moonstruck - (1987)
    63 - jaws - (1975)
    64 - terms of endearment - (1983)
    65 - singin' in the rain - (1952)
    66 - jerry maguire - (1996)
    67 - e.t. the extra-terrestrial - (1982)
    68 - star wars episode iv - a new hope - (1977)
    69 - dog day afternoon - (1975)
    70 - the african queen - (1951)
    71 - the lion in winter - (1968)
    72 - thelma & louise - (1991)
    73 - amadeus - (1984)
    74 - being john malkovich - (1999)
    75 - high noon - (1952)
    76 - raging bull - (1980)
    77 - adaptation - (2002)
    78 - rocky - (1976)
    79 - the producers - (1968)
    80 - witness - (1985)
    81 - being there - (1979)
    82 - cool hand luke - (1967)
    83 - rear window - (1954)
    84 - the princess bride - (1987)
    85 - la grande illusion - (1937)
    86 - harold and maude - (1971)
    87 - 8/2 - (1963)
    88 - field of dreams - (1989)
    89 - forrest gump - (1994)
    90 - sideways - (2004)
    91 - the verdict - (1982)
    92 - psycho - (1960)
    93 - do the right thing - (1989)
    94 - patton - (1970)
    95 - hannah and her sisters - (1986)
    96 - the hustler - (1961)
    97 - the searchers - (1956)
    98 - the grapes of wrath - (1940)
    99 - the wild bunch - (1969)
    100 - memento - (2000)

    reserveleri alın.

    (bkz: her türden filmin top 10 listesini yazıyorum)
    Tümünü Göster
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
    @5 onlar sonlarda panpa senaryo bakımından yazıyorum bu filmler inception'ı giber
  4. 4.
    11 - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - (1969)
    12 - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying - (1964)
    13 - The Graduate - (1967)
    14 - Lawrence of Arabia - (1962)
    15 - The Apartment - (1960)
    16 - Pulp Fiction - (1994)
    17 - Tootsie - (1982)
    18 - On the Waterfront - (1954)
    19 - To Kill a Mockingbird - (1962)
    20 - It's a Wonderful Life - (1946)
  5. 5.
    @7 sadece senaryo bakımından sıralıyorum imdb ne bilmiş
  6. 6.
    21 - North by Northwest - (1959)
    22 - The Shawshank Redemption - (1994)
    23 - Gone with the Wind - (1939)
    24 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - (2004)
    25 - The Wizard of Oz - (1939)
    26 - Double Indemnity - (1944)
    27 - Groundhog Day - (1993)
    28 - Shakespeare in Love - (1998)
    29 - Sullivan's Travels - (1941)
    30 - Unforgiven - (1992)
  7. 7.
    31 - His Girl Friday - (1940)
    32 - Fargo - (1996)
    33 - The Third Man - (1949)
    34 - Sweet Smell of Success - (1957)
    35 - The Usual Suspects - (1995)
    36 - Midnight Cowboy - (1969)
    37 - The Philadelphia Story - (1940)
    38 - American Beauty - (1999)
    39 - The Sting - (1973)
    40 - When Harry Met Sally - (1989)
  8. 8.
    kendime yazıyorum amk
  9. 9.
    mal mal yorum yazan liselileri giblememekle birlikte, rezerve alan kardeşler için devam ediyorum.

    41 - Goodfellas - (1990)
    42 - Raiders of the Lost Ark - (1981)
    43 - Taxi Driver - (1976)
    44 - The Best Years of Our Lives - (1946)
    45 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - (1975)
    46 - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - (1948)
    47 - The Maltese Falcon - (1941)
    48 - The Bridge on the River Kwai - (1957)
    49 - Schindler's List - (1993)
    50 - The Sixth Sense - (1999)
  10. 10.
    @25 panpa yüz film hangi birini yorumlayayım? zaten çoğunun hangi yıl çekildiğini aramaktan imanım gevredi.

    edit: bu filmlerin hepsi daşşaklıdır izlemediğiniz veya duymadığınız varsa izleyin pişman olmazsınız.
  11. 11.
    51 - Broadcast News - (1987)
    52 - The Lady Eve - (1941)
    53 - All the President's Men - (1976)
    54 - Manhattan - (1979)
    55 - Apocalypse Now - (1979)
    56 - Back to the Future - (1985)
    57 - Crimes and Misdemeanors - (1989)
    58 - Ordinary People - (1980)
    59 - It Happened One Night - (1934)
    60 - L.A. Confidential - (1997)
  12. 12.
    61 - The Silence of the Lambs - (1991)
    62 - Moonstruck - (1987)
    63 - Jaws - (1975)
    64 - Terms of Endearment - (1983)
    65 - Singin' in the Rain - (1952)
    66 - Jerry Maguire - (1996)
    67 - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial - (1982)
    68 - Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope - (1977)
    69 - Dog Day Afternoon - (1975)
    70 - The African Queen - (1951)
  13. 13.
    @35 son 10 yılın en iyi filmleri

    şuraya reservini al panpa geliyor.
  14. 14.
    71 - The Lion in Winter - (1968)
    72 - Thelma & Louise - (1991)
    73 - Amadeus - (1984)
    74 - Being John Malkovich - (1999)
    75 - High Noon - (1952)
    76 - Raging Bull - (1980)
    77 - Adaptation - (2002)
    78 - Rocky - (1976)
    79 - The Producers - (1968)
    80 - Witness - (1985)
  15. 15.
    reserve alanlar için bitirelim bari

    81 - Being There - (1979)
    82 - Cool Hand Luke - (1967)
    83 - Rear Window - (1954)
    84 - The Princess Bride - (1987)
    85 - La Grande illusion - (1937)
    86 - Harold and Maude - (1971)
    87 - 8/2 - (1963)
    88 - Field of Dreams - (1989)
    89 - Forrest Gump - (1994)
    90 - Sideways - (2004)
    91 - The Verdict - (1982)
    92 - Psycho - (1960)
    93 - Do the Right Thing - (1989)
    94 - Patton - (1970)
    95 - Hannah and Her Sisters - (1986)
    96 - The Hustler - (1961)
    97 - The Searchers - (1956)
    98 - The Grapes of Wrath - (1940)
    99 - The Wild Bunch - (1969)
    100 - Memento - (2000)
  16. 16.
    liste bu, vaktiniz bolsa sırayla izleyin, imdb secde eder size.