1. 26.
    @1 sana oyum budur panpa al bu (bkz: sonuna kadar sex)
  2. 27.
    al buda swfen
  3. 28.
    facebook sözleri.com dıbına koyarım bin özenti
  4. 29.
    @7 facebook sözleri ne lan? daha yeni twitter'ımda yazdım gibtir git şimdi.
  5. 30.
    @1 o kadar haklı ki tuttuğunu gibebilir kimse bişey diyemez...
  6. 31.
    @1 azız yıldırım
  7. 32.
    @10 fenerbahçeliyim ama aziz yıldırım gibi bir kevaşeyi asla desteklemiyorum.
  8. 33.
    @1 haklı
  9. 34.
    up up up up
  10. 35.
    who am i?

    that’s a good question. actually i neither have the answer. some people say it specialist, someones call me a musician, some say aquarist. i don’t know, really. what i know is i have to be a beneficial person for both my country and for the world.

    i was born in '94 in istanbul, turkey. after an intense primary school education in german language, i’m continuing my academic life in a special high school in turkey. everything is not about the academic education. self-education and family-education are strong agents as well. they have a great role in the development of character. both the academic and social education is important, the equilibrium between those things are crucial. if one of them preponderates, your way to success will be shattered.

    how i’ve started?

    i haven't got any god damn idea. i didn’t have any inspiration spew out my mind for an instance. everything is about working. you have to work to get somewhere. you have to climb up the steep hill to reach the top of the mountain.

    i have been working on computers and web designing for 5 years, on server and networking technologies for 3 years.

    nevermind aquariums, for since i was 5 i had aquariums at home. for the past 5 years i've specialized myself on high-tech plant aquariums and aquascaping.

    my music life is pretty interesting, as i've started with piano at the age of 6 i've turned up making digital music in my primary education. then i realised that digital music is pretty artificial, so i've started guitar, trumpet and drums. jazz, blues and classical music are my favourite subjects on music. i've been playing flamenco for 5 years, jazz trumpet for 2 years, bass guitar for 3 years. my last favorite instrument is ukulele, a native instrument from hawai.

    i'm pretty discrete in sports, rather than liking soccer, basketball and all other common sport i'm interested in making the sports that are less heard and different such as archery, skiing, sailing and so on. i took the international yachting licence in summer 2010.

    “one thing i’ve learned about this challenging game is that you must sacrifise to have your ideals to come true.“
  11. 36.
    haklısın haklı
    bence sen de haklısın
  12. 37.
    up up up