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0I'll be frank and tell you what that is. Basically, we are people who have realized that we were once people from alternate universes. Specifically, we were anime characters in a past life. My site: (Link: http://otakukin.atspace.com/index.htm
) http://otakukin.atspace.com/index.htm
First off, you must understand our beleifs. We beleive that there is an infinite amount of universes for every possible situation there can ever be. Every TV show, play, idea, ANYTHING, has actually happened in another universe. Souls transcend these barriers between our universes when they leave their bodies, and retain some of the memories of their previous life.
Personally, I am Goku from Dragonball Z. I didn't choose to be Goku, and sometimes I wish I never was. I feel physical pain when I watch episodes in which I am hurt because my soul wishes to remind me that I actually felt what I'm seeing. I thought it was strange at first, but as I came to accept my existence I quickly learned Japanese thanks to my soul's past experience with the language.
No pain amounts to what Cell did to me, though. When I saw that episode for the first time, my parents found me writhing on the floor and groaning. Excuse my language, but I will never forgive that monster: first he had the arrogance to alert me that he was preparing his final attack, then he uttered three words as he fired and killed me. Those three words are forever burned into my soul. - 11.
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