0oylama patlamış konu kilit
0ingilizcesi olan ayar çeksin sanırım durdurmuşlarmı gibertmişlermi öyle bişey var
On Saturday 17 March the National Army Museum (NAM) noticed unusually high levels of activity on the Britain's Greatest Foes section of its website. This was responsible for making the NAM site inactive for some time over the course of the weekend and it was therefore necessary to suspend the interactive elements (i.e. the voting).
After initial investigation it became clear that the voting system had been compromised by a small number of users looking to automatically activate votes on some of the nominees. It was felt that this was not in the spirit of the competition and to the best of our ability we have isolated the legitimate votes from the auto generated ones and amended the results accordingly.
Because of this activity it has become necessary for all users wishing to cast a vote to do so by first registering their name and email address.
We have had reports that some international users have experienced difficulties in logging on to the system. Our web team have investigated these problems and believe that any issues have now been resolved. Should you continue to have problems then please do contact us on pr@nam.ac.uk to report them.
We are delighted to see so many people participating in the campaign and look forward to announcing the result of the online poll on 30 March and the overall winner at the Enemy Commanders: Britain’s Greatest Foes celebrity speaker day on 14 April 2012 -
0gelen mail şöyle heralde türkiyeden mi kaldırdılar üyeliği anlayamadım
apmanız gereken once siteye üye olup sonra Atatürk’ün üzerinde yer alan oy sayma kutusundaki + işaretini tıklamak. Üye olunca isterseniz her ay müzenin e-bültenini de ücretsiz alabileceksiniz.
Haydi 2 dakika ayırın lütfen. Önce aşağıdaki “create a user account” kısmına girip üye olursanız daha sonra Atatürk sayfasına girip sayaçtaki + işaretini tıklamanız yeterli.
In order to vote, you now need to be logged in. If the plus (+) symbol is not visible, please be sure to create a user account first. -
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