- 1526.
0ananın dıbına açıl
0moon priest
analtıncı nesil inci sözlük yazarı
genel ulan
bugün: 425
bu hafta: 1701
toplam entry: 21406
toplam başlık: 0
son şukulunan entryleri
son çükülenen entryleri
en çok şukulanmış entry'leri
son girdiği entry'ler
ilk entry'leri -
0Only the dirt I do believe.
As memory vanishes among the leaves.
Wizard of tickets is always glad to charge a pilgrim's fare.
Jubilee's generally early. Let's take the country air.
Mistreating granite, limestone, and clay. It's a shameful soil.
But all grows well on the floodplain tract if you can afford the toil.
Cradled in ivy, we will allow
the moss to prosper upon our brows.
Boxer rebellion, the Holy Child. They all pay their rent.
But none together can testify to rhythm of a road well bent.
Saddles and zip codes, passports and gates, the Jones' keep.
In August the water is trickling, in April it's furious deep.
Wizard of tickets is always glad to charge a pilgrim's fare.
Jubilee's generally early. Let's take the country air.
Mistreating granite, limestone, and clay. It's a shameful soil.
But all grows well on the floodplain tract if you can afford the toil.
Only the dirt I do believe.
Divinity vanishes among the leaves. -
0Only the dirt I do believe.
As memory vanishes among the leaves.
Wizard of tickets is always glad to charge a pilgrim's fare.
Jubilee's generally early. Let's take the country air.
Mistreating granite, limestone, and clay. It's a shameful soil.
But all grows well on the floodplain tract if you can afford the toil.
Cradled in ivy, we will allow
the moss to prosper upon our brows.
Boxer rebellion, the Holy Child. They all pay their rent.
But none together can testify to rhythm of a road well bent.
Saddles and zip codes, passports and gates, the Jones' keep.
In August the water is trickling, in April it's furious deep.
Wizard of tickets is always glad to charge a pilgrim's fare.
Jubilee's generally early. Let's take the country air.
Mistreating granite, limestone, and clay. It's a shameful soil.
But all grows well on the floodplain tract if you can afford the toil.
Only the dirt I do believe.
Divinity vanishes among the leaves. - 1531.
- 1533.
- 1534.
0Az önce yanımdan kadın kılığına girmiş bir parfüm şişesi geçti
- 1537.
0yolla panpa
- 1539.
0atam izindeyiz...
- 1541.
- 1543.
0Suck My Balls
edit: unutmuştum lan auhaıuhuashuıhdaıohaos -
homelander sevmesemde gelecegı gordu
the vikings silik at lan bana
senin entryleri kim napsın amq salağı
sütlac yiyorum soruları alayım
11 yıldır bu sözlükteyim
gey pataklayan silik
araba alma muhabbeti ne lanet
beyler entry silme botunun kodunu buldum
ccc rammstein ccc her başlığını her entryini
kamyoncu kamile gotten verdim
gotten yerken ben
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 06 03 2025
bu muhabbetler gercek mi
jüpiter şişirilmiş bir balondur
dubai çikolatası yiyorum capsli
sohbet için 1 2 3
wow girl 43 yaşlarındaysa kaç yıl sıçmıştır
silecekseniz niye yazıyorsunuz
vozol felan alinir mi yav
okadar güvenilmesinizki size hesabını emanet
bu tiktok nası bi yer lan
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mayconi sözlük reyisidiir
eskişehir için iftar vakti 06 03 2025 19 02
viski nasıl içilir öğrendim
piyo zekanda sıkıntımı var gecikmelimi geliyor
bütün kardeşlerim şehit oldu
saat dohuz bucuk ve canim sıkıldı
özel mesajlara toplu silme koyan sözlük entryilere
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