1. 76.
    solosu ruha isler. pull-off li solo larin ruh a islediginin en iyi kanitlarindan dir
    edit:aşmış şarkılardan birisidir.
  2. 77.
    yok böyle bi solo
  3. 78.
    http://www.youtube.com/wa...v=Bpzxf_flm8M&t=4m30s nasıl bir solodur bu amk
  4. 79.
    son ses solosu dinlenecek parcalardan. orgazm...
  5. 80.
    mükemmel dir. departed filminde leonardo dicaprioyla vera farmige nin sevişme sahnesinde arkada çalar gibertir
  6. 81.
  7. 82.
    i turned to look
    but it was gone
    i cannot out my finger on it now
    the child is grown
    the dream is gone
    i have become comfortably numb.
  8. 83.
    bunu dinleyince kafam kıyak gibi oluyor
  9. 84.
    parçada ki o volümün bi artıp bi azalması tam madde kafası anasını satıyım.
  10. 85.
    Gitar world dergisinde solosu dunyanin en iyi 4. solosu seçilmiş pink floyd ilahisi. Nasil bir kafanin urunudur, insani sekilden sekile sokar, solosu bildigin gelmisini gecmisini giber atar. Yasal uyusturucu amk.
  11. 86.
    efsane amk efsane
  12. 87.
    hiç eskimiyor amk.
    The child is grown, the dream is gone.i have become comfortably numb.
  13. 88.
    Özenti binler doluşmuş başlığa amk.
  14. 89.
  15. 90.
    +2 -2
    (bkz: any colour you like)
  16. 91.
    (bkz: pink floyd)
  17. 92.
    pulse konser kaydı varsa dinleyin derim amın feryatları kulagınız birazcık solo duysun.david abi silkerrrrrrrrrrrr
    edit: linkini veriyim izleyen izlesin mnskym http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-MLxgkiPNg
  18. 93.
    muhteşem bir şarkıdır.
  19. 94.
    Is there anybody in there?
    Just nod if you can hear me.
    Is there anyone at home?
    Come on, now,
    I hear you're feeling down.
    Well I can ease your pain
    Get you on your feet again.
    I'll need some information first.
    Just the basic facts
    Can you show me where it hurts?

    There is no pain you are receding
    A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
    You are only coming through in waves.
    Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
    When I was a child I had a fever
    My hands felt just like two balloons.
    Now I've got that feeling once again
    I can't explain you would not understand
    This is not how I am.
    I have become comfortably numb.


    I have become comfortably numb.

    O. K.
    Just a little pin prick.
    There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah!
    But you may feel a little sick.
    Can you stand up?
    I do believe its working good.
    That'll keep you going through the show
    Come on it's time to go.

    There is no pain you are receding
    A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
    You are only coming through in waves.
    Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
    When I was a child
    I caught a fleeting glimpse
    Out of the corner of my eye
    I turned to look but it was gone
    I cannot put my finger on it now
    The child is grown,
    The dream is gone.
    I have become comfortably numb.
  20. 95.
    Solosu giber beylerr