Omegle'den yabancı bi herifle girdiğim muhabbet.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey.
You: hey, i'm 15 male from turkey. asl plz?
Stranger: 15 male netherlands
You: cool :D
You: so how r u?
Stranger: cool
Stranger: but seriously
Stranger: turkey cannot into EU (avrupa birliği amk)
You: yea.
You: i know.
You: but Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
You: he is bastard.
You: he is really bastard that he makes shit this world.
You: he is twice of Hitler.
Stranger: cool
Stranger: Turkey should have declared war on Israel
Stranger: Turkey is NATO member
You: yeah.
Stranger: so America and Germany would have to join in
Stranger: Germans would have to kill jews
You: yeaç
You: yeah*
You: in that ship,
Stranger: America would have the NATO riped apart
Stranger: and we would be free again ;)
You: i have got 8 arabic and 2 russian friends.
You: they gone to Palestine.
You: with that ship.
Stranger: how sad
Stranger: you should have declared war
Stranger: but Turkey was too faggish
You: yeah.
You: our prime minister, Recep.
You: he is thief.
You: everybody hates him in my country.
Stranger: why elect him then?
You: we didn't.
You: but in turkey, really %70 isn't graduate.
You: have u msn? or member of facebook? we can me mail friend.
You: or chat friend.
You: we can be*
Stranger: sure
Stranger:!/profile.php?id =...
Stranger: got to go now
Stranger: cya