0Hipofosfitlerin daha kolay ve pratik olacak yöntemlerle elde edilişinin fizikokimyasal esaslarının işlenip hazırlanması için A+, M++ / X-, (H2PO2)- // H2O (A+= Na+, K+, NH4+ vs. ) ; ( M++= Ba++, Mn++, Zn++, Ni++ vs.) ; ( X- = Cl-, Br -, NO3- vs.) dörtlü karşılıklı su – tuz sistemlerinin fizikokimyasal yöntemlerle çözünürlüklerinin ve faz dengelerinin araştırılmaları belirli bir teorik ve pratik önem taşımaktadır.(Aliev ve Ark. 1985 , Erge 2009)
Çünkü fizikokimyasal analiz yöntemleriyle bir çok deniz , göl ve yeraltı su kaynaklarının ihtiva ettikleri tuzlar esasında kurulmuş olan üçlü, dörtlü ve beşli su-tuz sistemlerinin araştırılması yapılarak çizilen ‘’Bileşim-Özellik’’ diyagramları esas alınıp birçok değerli kimyasal maddelerin elde edilişi, geri kazanılması, karışımlardan ayrılması ve teknolojik üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Yaptığımız bu çalışmada Na+ , Ba++ / CI- , (H2PO2)- // H2O dörtü karşılıklı su-tuz sisteminin bünyesinde yer alan BaCI2-Ba(H2PO2)2-H2O üçlü su-tuz sisteminin +500C'de elde edilen deneysel sonuçları ve onların esasında çizilen faz diyagramları gösterilmiştir.
0Hipofosfits's obtained by a procedure will be easier and more practical for the preparation of processed and physicochemical principles of A, M / X-, (H2PO2) - / / H 2 O (A = Na, K, NH4, etc..), (M = Ba, Mn, Zn, Ni, etc..), (X-= Cl-, Br -, NO3-, etc..) quad mutual water - salt systems and phase balance of physicochemical methods researched resolutions of a given theoretical and practical importance. (Aliev et al. 1985, Erge 2009)
Because a lot of methods of physicochemical analysis of the sea, lakes and underground water resources they contain salts, which was established on the basis of three, four and five-year investigation of water-salt systems are plotteddonediagrams based on composition-property taken can be obtained by a lot of valuable chemicals, recycling , the separation of mixtures were produced and the technological.
In our present study of Na, Ba / CI-, (H2PO2) - / / H 2 O reduced by applying the water-salt system within the structure of mutual BaCI2-Ba (H2PO2) 2-H2O water-salt system is a triple 500C'de on the basis of obtained experimental results and their shown in phase diagrams are plotted.
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0hipofosfitlerin obtained by a procedure will be easier and more practical for the preparation of processed and physicochemical principles of a, m / x-, (h2po2) - / / h 2 o (a = na, k, nh4, etc..), (m = ba, mn, zn, ni, etc..), (x-= cl-, br -, no3-, etc..) quad mutual water - salt systems and phase balance of physicochemical methods researched resolutions of a given theoretical and practical importance. (aliev et al. 1985, erge 2009)
because a lot of methods of physicochemical analysis of the sea, lakes and underground water resources they contain salts, which was established on the basis of three, four and five-year investigation of water-salt systems are plotteddonediagrams based on composition-property taken can be obtained by a lot of valuable chemicals, recycling , the separation of mixtures were produced and the technological.
in our present study of na, ba / ci-, (h2po2) - / / h 2 o reduced by applying the water-salt system within the structure of mutual baci2-ba (h2po2) 2-h2o water-salt system is a triple 500c'de on the basis of obtained experimental results and their shown in phase diagrams are plotted.
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0hipofosfitlerin obtained by a procedure will be easier and more practical for the preparation of processed and physicochemical principles of a, m / x-, (h2po2) - / / h 2 o (a = na, k, nh4, etc..), (m = ba, mn, zn, ni, etc..), (x-= cl-, br -, no3-, etc..) quad mutual water - salt systems and phase balance of physicochemical methods researched resolutions of a given theoretical and practical importance. (aliev et al. 1985, erge 2009)
because a lot of methods of physicochemical analysis of the sea, lakes and underground water resources they contain salts, which was established on the basis of three, four and five-year investigation of water-salt systems are plotteddonediagrams based on composition-property taken can be obtained by a lot of valuable chemicals, recycling , the separation of mixtures were produced and the technological.
in our present study of na, ba / ci-, (h2po2) - / / h 2 o reduced by applying the water-salt system within the structure of mutual baci2-ba (h2po2) 2-h2o water-salt system is a triple 500c'de on the basis of obtained experimental results and their shown in phase diagrams are plotted.
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0@2 hipofosfit's i hypophosphite yap bari de bi taka benzesin
0أكثر سهولة والعملية التي يمكن الحصول عليها من خلال المبادئ الداخلي الفيزيائية المجهزة للإعداد + م + + / س، (h2po2) -- / / h2o (أ + = نا + ، k + ، nh4 + ، الخ) ، (م + + = با + + ، المنغنيز + + ، الزنك + +، ني + + ... الخ)، (س = الكلورين، برازيلي --، no3 -، الخ.) رباعية المياه المتبادل -- نظم الملح والتوازن مرحلة من الأساليب الفيزيائية قرارات بحثها من الأهمية التي توليها النظرية والعملية (علييف وآخرون 1985 ، erge 2009).
أساليب التحليل الفيزيائية والكيميائية، وذلك لأن الكثير من البحار والبحيرات والمياه الجوفية التي تحتوي على أملاح، التي أنشئت على أساس ثلاثة أو أربعة أو خمسة أعوام التحقيق في المياه المالحة النظم plotteddonediagrams على أساس الملكية تكوين اتخذت يستطيع الحصول على الكثير من المواد الكيميائية ذات قيمة، وإعادة التدوير أنتجت فصل الخلائط والتكنولوجي.
نفعل هذه الدراسة ، نا + ، با + + / ci - (h2po2) -- / / h2o بنسبة تطبيق المتبادل المياه المالحة نظام، وتقع ضمن baci2 - ba (h2po2) 2 - h2o ثلاث قرى من مياه الملح النظام ، +500 (ج) ، تم الحصول عليها من النتائج التجريبية والخاصة رسمها على أساس مخططات المرحلة هي معروضة.
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