0go go powerrangersssssssss
0Lan yapmayın böyle şeyler. Misty mahallede ilk bana çıkmıştı amk :(
0ii wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
i will travel across the land
searching far and wide
each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside
pokemon, its you and me
i know it?s my destiny
pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
pokemon, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me and i'll teach you
pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle every day
to claim my rightful place
come with me, the time is right
there's no better team
arm in arm we'll win the fight
it's always been our dream -
0ii wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
i will travel across the land
searching far and wide
each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside
pokemon, its you and me
i know it?s my destiny
pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
pokemon, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me and i'll teach you
pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle every day
to claim my rightful place
come with me, the time is right
there's no better team
arm in arm we'll win the fight
it's always been our dream -
0ii wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
i will travel across the land
searching far and wide
each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside
pokemon, its you and me
i know it?s my destiny
pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
pokemon, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me and i'll teach you
pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle every day
to claim my rightful place
come with me, the time is right
there's no better team
arm in arm we'll win the fight
it's always been our dream -
0ii wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
i will travel across the land
searching far and wide
each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside
pokemon, its you and me
i know it?s my destiny
pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
pokemon, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me and i'll teach you
pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle every day
to claim my rightful place
come with me, the time is right
there's no better team
arm in arm we'll win the fight
it's always been our dream - 82.
0ii wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
i will travel across the land
searching far and wide
each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside
pokemon, its you and me
i know it?s my destiny
pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
pokemon, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me and i'll teach you
pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle every day
to claim my rightful place
come with me, the time is right
there's no better team
arm in arm we'll win the fight
it's always been our dream -
0ii wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
i will travel across the land
searching far and wide
each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside
pokemon, its you and me
i know it?s my destiny
pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
pokemon, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me and i'll teach you
pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle every day
to claim my rightful place
come with me, the time is right
there's no better team
arm in arm we'll win the fight
it's always been our dream -
0ii wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause
i will travel across the land
searching far and wide
each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside
pokemon, its you and me
i know it?s my destiny
pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
pokemon, a heart so true
our courage will pull us through
you teach me and i'll teach you
pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle every day
to claim my rightful place
come with me, the time is right
there's no better team
arm in arm we'll win the fight
it's always been our dream -
0ccc pokemon ccc
0ccc pokemon ccc
0bide bunun bitişinde mi ne sözlü şarkısı değilde pokemonlarının adı geçen bi şarkısı vardı o çalardı onun sayesinde öğrenmiştim hpsinin adını
cipsten çıktıgında he bunun adı bu fln diyebiliyordum -
0vay beee pokemonu hatırlayan bu kadar az kişimiyiz amk?
0____________¶¶Tümünü Göster
he lan panpa ne güzeldi oynardık mahallede taso çılgınlığı pustun biri tasoları dağıtcam derdi 50 kişilik grubu alırdı tek tek atardı elindekileri nasılda havada tutmaya calısırdık haha ne günlerdi lan taso tapa amk hepsi vardı -
0yarram ben hatırlamıyorum ama pokemon yayınlanırken lisedeydim dıbınakoyim.
0charizalt giber ccc carizat reiis ccc
0ne günlerdi amk hey gidi bulbasaur hey..
http://www.gamejudgment.c...ads/2010/11/Bulbasaur.png -
0nostaljik bin
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