1. 51.
    çok pis oyundayız beyler
  2. 52.
    hepimiz oyuna geldik beyler
  3. 53.
    tek göz olum tek gözzz
  4. 54.
    lazy people to watch TV during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. period so that puts a more positive mental and physical aspects
    edit:lazy people to watch TV during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. period so that puts a more positive mental and physical aspects
  5. 55.
  6. 56.
    nedir bu laaaaann
  7. 57.
    yolla panpa.
  8. 58.
    tembelleştirdigi people watching TV during this period, six months away from watching television make people far more useful and lazines. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. period so that puts a more positive mental and physical aspects
  9. 59.
    people to watch tv during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course
  10. 60.
    tembelleştirdigi people watching TV during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. period so that puts a more positive mental and physical aspects
  11. 61.
    tv tracking people tembelleştirdigi during this period, 6 months to get away from the television and laziness makes remote monitoring contact more useful. do istedigi sports activities and leads to the courses. so the mental and physical aspects of puts a more positive term
  12. 62.
    tembelleştirdigi people watching TV during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. period so that puts a more positive mental and physical aspects

    görmesin hands into trouble
    edit: lan_?_?_?_?
  13. 63.
  14. 64.
    s-occer da da aynı tak var
  15. 65.
    hasgibtirlen harbi olmuyo len
  16. 66.
    giberim böyle yazıyı lan
  17. 67.
    "tembelleştirdigi people to watch tv during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. so mentally and physically passes a period of more positive

    hands into trouble "seeing

    sazan.avi denilmesi riskine rağmen birinin yapmsı lazımdı şunu
  18. 68.
    oha amk nasıl buldun bunu
  19. 69.
    tembelleştirdigi people watching TV during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. period so that puts a more positive mental and physical aspects

    Edit:oha amk nasıl buldun bunu
  20. 70.
    tembelleştirdigi people watching TV during this period, six months away from watching television makes people far more useful and laziness. wants to do sports activities and provides direction for the course. period so that puts a more positive mental and physical aspects

    görmesin hands into trouble