1. 101.
    beyler takvimin arkasındaki vidalar sökülmüyo tornavida tutukluk mu yaptı sorun ben de mi
  2. 102.
    @197 hacu @144 e bak
  3. 103.
    hay aq ya patladı
  4. 104.
    anahtarla sarı dolaptakı kılıt acılmıyor nasıl acıyoruz onu
  5. 105.
    +1 -1
    @178 sarı dolabın altında kırmızı tornavida var.
  6. 106.
    have two papers that were torn up that I put back together, but they make no sense to me at all... I have used what is on both of them (together and separately) trying to find the password, but it's not working!!!

    Any help?

    and what is with that panel on the wall above the desk??? It has some sort of leak showing from it, but I can't find any way to open it.:sad:

    woohoo!!! I am OUT and ALIVE!!!

    You have to put the bomb into "SAFE MODE 2" and then cut the yellow wire so that the Infared sensor on the second bomb will be off so that when the fireme and bomb squad show up, it won't detonate the second bomb that is outside!!!

    The cross, the cup, the ice cube tray, the battery and the green handle screwdriver are all red herrings, you won't need any of them to escape alive.


    click behind the yellow cabinet on the left to get a silver key
    click on the yellow cabinet then
    click UNDER the yellow cabinet to get the phillips screwdriver (red handle)
    go back to the main screen and click on the clock, click just below the clock (around where the 6 would be) to see the back side of the clock, get the golden key)
    click on the yellow cabinet again and use the golden key to open the third drawer, get the scraps of paper and put them together they work out to be
    click on the calendar, then click on the bottom right corner of it until you go through all 12 months (make note of the date marked "MY BIRTHDAY", this is the lock code you will use on the desk drawer) click ONCE MORE to reveal a panel behind the calendar, use the PHILLIPS screwdriver (red handle) on all four screws TWICE to reveal a box. Use the SILVER key on this box to open it and get the lighter.
    go back to the main screen and click on the desk with the computer on it. Use the birthdate (1225) to open the lock on the drawer, get the scissors
    click on the trashcan to get the second paper puzzle put them together to get

    Now, combining the two peices of paper, you get three lines that work out to be
    65-10 (but ignore the "-" and just use 6510)

    click on the computer and it will ask for Password01, enter "C3692" and click "OK"
    then it asks for Password02, enter "6510" then click "OK"
    it will ask for Password03, enter "QT4420" then click "OK"

    Go to NOTES and make note of the settings for each "SAFE MODE" notice that in SAFE MODE 2, when the YELLOW wire is cut, it will deactivate the Infared sensor on BOMB02

    click on "MAIN MENU" and then go into the "SAFE MODE SETTINGS"
    Click on "SAFE MODE 02" and it will ask you if you want to turn it on, click "YES"
    go back to the main screen, zoom in on the desk and use the scissors to cut the YELLOW WIRE ONLY!
    go back to the main screen, and use the lighter on the smoke alarm that is on the ceiling beside the lights...

    alarm will sound, then you will hear sirens, then you will hear the firemen coming down the hall, they will open the door and you're out!!!

    Tümünü Göster
  7. 107.
    @182 eywallah hacı
  8. 108.
    @182 eyvallah bekliyoz bakalım itfaiyeyi
  9. 109.
    eee alarm sustu kaldı böyle
  10. 110.
    click on the computer and it will ask for password01, enter "c3692" and click "ok"
    then it asks for password02, enter "6510" then click "ok"
    it will ask for password03, enter "qt4420" then click "ok"

  11. 111.
    tornavida girsin sana

    (bkz: giberim baykuşu ccc lama ccc)
  12. 112.
    @1 harbiden bu yaptığın büyük ipnelik yarın tonla işim var, saat 5.30 olmuş ben hala bunla uğraşıyorum, esir ettin la bunca insanı
  13. 113.
    Buz,pil, bardak alayı traş safe mode 2 de sarı kabloyu kesip sensörü boz, zippoyu bul yukarıdakı duman cihazına tut itfaiye geliyo bitiyo uykuma yazık amk pili montelemeye uğraşıyoz 2 saattir skeydim
  14. 114.
    @190 ilk çıkan ekranda sarı dolabın sol ayağına tıkla. orada gri anahtar var onunla aç. zippo var. mumları yak. başka bi taka yaramıyor.
  15. 115.
    sol üstte duvar akıyor amk neye yarıyor o?
  16. 116.
    @199 eyw...
  17. 117.
    lan dolmuyo ak
  18. 118.
    taam neyse bitirdim.
  19. 119.
    kabloyu kesmemiştim amk ondan oldu neyse ko zütüne diğer oyuna geçelim beyler

    (bkz: asıl bunu bitirin incici zütler)
  20. 120.
    olm sarı anahtarı en basta almıstım, artık alamıyorum lan. help picler!