0Does the Encryptor can be find easily to programmes or it creating .jar Encrypted form itself
edit: pnpa devam edicektim ama cevirmisler zaten -
+2Cumleyi turkce anlasam ceviricem ama amk
I want to buy this program but I have a few questions. easy encryptor or encrypted include on schedule in their state did .creating a JAR file. stability is good?
Convert JAR file into EXE?
After you purchase one, in a short way with TeamViewer can you help? Thank you -
i want to buy this program, but i have a few questions. is it easy to find a encoder for program or does it create a jar file by itself? and does it have a good stability? and can we convert jar file to exe form?
and after buying could you help with teamwiever in a short way? thank you. al bakalım kankiş. -
I want to buy this program but i got a few questions. ilk cumle panpa ben iptal -
0Beyler yazılı metni ingilizceye çevirecek olan panpama en kralından nick6 giricem
Bu programı satın almak istiyorum fakat birkaç sorum var. programa uygun şifreleyici kolay bulunur mu yoksa kendi şifreli haldemi .jar dosyası oluşturuyor.bir de stabilitesi iyi midir?
Jar dosyasını exe haline dönüştürebilir miyiz?
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