1. 76.
    @63 damit du es nicht verstehst du bob
  2. 77.
    i wanna fuck you.
  3. 78.
    ooo my god sex on the bitch
  4. 79.
    in the tabele
  5. 80.
    ankıl faka
  6. 81.
    asl pls?
  7. 82.
    idont wanna see the back i wanna see the front
  8. 83.
  9. 84.
    are you available tonight?
  10. 85.
    we are all son of bitch.!
  11. 86.
    hi honey
  12. 87.
    I love you I love youu
    Do you love me?
    Yes, I do
  13. 88.
    I go to me the can but the ... Fucking asshole! That's the sentence that you can only understand!
  14. 89.
    i go to the cinema
    Türkçe Meali:
    Ay gotudı sinema
  15. 90.
    Yea. Come on fuckers.I want to suck your cock.
    (bollocks, 28.02.2010 20:49)

    sex com bar disco
    (zimpara ile 31 ceken pinokyo, 28.02.2010 20:50)

    ich bin fuck you
    (bababeni keraneye gonder, 28.02.2010 20:50)

    why do u want to suck our dick?
    (uye adim sana girsin oc, 28.02.2010 20:51)

    what is your name
    (cukucan zengindolu, 28.02.2010 20:51)

    it's a chopper baby now come on.
    (gibim kasindi, 28.02.2010 20:51)

    are you sex?
    (havada karada, 28.02.2010 20:51)

    mada faka
    (Durun ben vurcam, 28.02.2010 20:51)

    age sex location
    (ogibisokama, 28.02.2010 20:52)

    the language u have spoken is tarzanish. r u college student fatass.
    (respecttt, 28.02.2010 20:52)

    add me on your msn list
    (zevzek, 28.02.2010 20:52)

    gs is on fire
    (bogazdaninatlacikmayanbalgam, 28.02.2010 20:52)

    the peopler are always asking me if i know sivrisinek
    (sivrisinek, 28.02.2010 20:52)

    are you virgin ?
    (boyle yannan dusman kicina, 28.02.2010 20:52)

    i love fucking
    (insane, 28.02.2010 20:53)

    fire in tho hole
    (bilemedim, 28.02.2010 20:54)

    omg galatasaray raped kasımpaşa. as a black eagle, i congratulate galatasaray.
    (respecttt, 28.02.2010 20:54)

    shut the fuck up faggots, i wanna fuck some pussies. girls who wanna suck my beatiful and big dick ?
    (rofl, 28.02.2010 20:54)

    where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise
    (perakende, 28.02.2010 20:54)

    (tereyag, 28.02.2010 20:55)

    wtf would you like us to talk about?
    (eric fuckman, 28.02.2010 20:57)

    what can i do? sometimes..
    (gerekeniyapacakkisi, 28.02.2010 20:58)

    i'm jacking off right now. do u pearl dictionary inhabitants know what jack off is.
    (respecttt, 28.02.2010 20:59)

    amıha godumun entelleri ekşimi lan bura.
    (simsirtarrak, 28.02.2010 21:00) #2072571 * :o :( /msj ?

  16. 91.
    @ 76 yanlış yazmışsın. that's the only sentence you can understand demen lazımdı. only önemli.
  17. 92.

    dıbına koyayim inci sozluk hatası.
  18. 93.
    @79 önemli degilse niye yazıyon yarraaam
    şu arafa makaranızı gibim sizin cahil binler
  19. 94.
    oh yeah
    oh yeah
    oh yeah
    fuck fuck fuck
  20. 95.
    önce türkçeyi öğren amk neresinde değil kelimesini gördün?