1. 1.
    roses are red
    violets are blue
    fethullah is attacking
    what can i do
  2. 2.
    ulan gibeyim hepinizi cahil köpekler
  3. 3.
    yarramın başları gelin de iki kelam edin.
  4. 4.
    Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.

    Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.

    I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,

    but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.

    Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.

    The precious moments are all lost in the tide.

    They're swept away and nothing is what it seems,

    the feeling of belonging to your dreams..
  5. 5.
    vats ken ay du samtaym
    ancalına colı bred pit
    full medıl alkemist
    luk et tı tabela
  6. 6.
    I'm a badass motherfucker
    Little bit dallamadir my father
    Everyone calls me brother
    Whoever reads this poem is a cocksucker
  7. 7.
    take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and girls are pretty. guns & roses
  8. 8.
    ooo ingilizce şiir, alırım bir dal

    money gets back

    i'm alright jack

    Keep your hands off my stack
  9. 9.
    i saw the fucking pussy
    where are nurse ?
    now l'm back
    it was a joke back come on i buried

    edit: ingilizcem yetmedi google çeviriden yardım aldım