
    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 751.
    Johnny sins sex alexis Texas in braZZers
  2. 752.
    How is your sex
  3. 753.
    Ar yu kola ar yu disko jfmxndjd
  4. 754.
    Fuck me
    Pardon fuck you
  5. 755.
    Fucktır crazy
  6. 756.
    Okay decide the level of my english iam not sure if you can do it without any fault but i'll give you a chance good luck homeboy.
  7. 757.
    My dig is big my dig is verry big
  8. 758.
    fine thanks and you ?
  9. 759.
    I got the me the can butty
  10. 760.
    I wanna fuck you
  11. 761.
    Shut the fucking up bitch
  12. 762.
    Are zoo you see can me
  13. 763.
    I think, therefore I am.
    ingilizce seviyemi C31 verin lütfen.
  14. 764.
    I'm a thin, electron dense protein layer. I have a lot of nucleoskeletal function
  15. 765.
  16. 766.
    Are you taşak me
  17. 767.
    I wanna explain somethings. Exatcly I'd run away from the country.We arent old Turks anymore. Peoples always being selfish and unkind to contact. When you are right about a subject you cant explain that cause they think I'm always right and their minds say from inside he's/she's just a retard so don't listen him/her. Obviously you cant accept him somethings and when he/she talks about another subject you disgust him/her.

    Panpalar biliyorum biraz saçma bir konu oldu ama aklıma başka yazcak bişi gelmedi xd

    b1 olduğumu düşünüyom panpalar doğrumu
  18. 768.
    ay em fram tiçhir
  19. 769.
    Don pablo escobar how you doing?
  20. 770.
    I used to be an advandurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.