
Kendini ifade et !
  1. 1.
    +2 -1
    eğer bana kufur eden varsa oralarda bana bi yazi yazanlar olursa onun anasının dıbına fog koyarım tağam mı you motherfucker you cant talk to me like to twatface and if you do again i would bang you up twatface i am livin in england cmon let talk to me again you basterds ima little gang sters u know you fucking twatfaces.
    1. 1.
      Bunu yazmak icin geldim suku
  2. 2.
    Şarkı güzel ama ingiliççe yani güzel ama ingiliççe
  3. 3.
    are you sex?

    birinin yapması gerekiyordu.
    1. 1.
      firstly i am cola
  4. 4.
    i can start, and i did it.

    my life is straight, my dreams are too.
    i am on the blind side of earth, i wasn't here, you and me, we were not the together, we were not to the same side, i haven't been any more, good luck..
  5. 5.
    Vat is yor neym