0i think what you mean is, let's hear scalene speak like a pro
hell yea. -
0@104 google translate terk
let's listen to scalene speaking like an amateour -
0suck my dick motherfuckin dick
0guys, why dont we try to practise our english levels by using skype or whatever?
anyone wants to join?? -
0are you sex?
0@105 i've just finished a 7500 words essay on a kurt vonnegut book so i don't think you'd prefer messing up with me
not like i'd like to show off or anything you know
edit: that will be 8000. -
0oghh shit !
0i am john champion and my friend is jim beglin. hello jim , how do you see this punning out. well john that s very wonderful atmosfer, i am so glad to be here.
i think , it was off the defender , they arre going to use a corner.
alexandro pato shoootttt , goalkeeper's ball.
one on oneeeeee , oh sensational finish.
can he make pass from there , oh what a fantastic head.
over the bar by some distance.
he was absoluetly free in space , gotta hit the target. -
0I go. you go. we go
0I do masturbate
0I do masturbate
0I do masturbate
0are you ne lazım
0yes I he
+1@109 wtf u talkin abt u mothafucka?
ur talkin like a british-irish gay. do u want to taste ma -nigga dick- ?
shut the fuck up ur mouth. we are boys of the street. we've learnt this language in streets.
I have 2 books and totally 50.000(around 3.000 headwords) words to read in this week.
But I wont read them. cuz these books are not more important than piece of shit, u see?
u dunno lots of american idioms. u wont understand anyone in usa if u come right now.
try to learn english from americans(there are a lot of chat rooms that u can contact with americans)
that's all for now. waiting for ur answer u twatface! - 141.
0am günü yağ
0Shut up bitch suck my dick
0fog koyarım
0ayştayn was here
nasyonel sosyalizmin babalari
tosuncuğun 1 2 seneye çıkacak olması gerçeği
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