0i am by mardinli thug.you fucked up man...
0küfür yazayım dedim kesin yazılmıştır dedim o yüzden vazgeçtim karşim
ama yinede what? -
0Is there anything you do not understand?
0@8 is right. şukuleta you bastard
0ask this your mother,you gentleman.
0@134 yep
0what can i do ? sometimes
0yes,I agree with @125
0@130 nothıng
0what will we do kamil?our mummy was fucked
0@124 welcome . you talk to join us
0come on guys dont tell me you re one of the empty person that we see. tell me your jobs
0shut the fuck up motherfucker cocksucker
0guys. how girls are affected?
be the first to write one sentence how would they answer me that?
help me please
not understand? Give me a hand -
0@152 What's in the brain?
0Diogenes said, ”No need to tremble. Come, let me tie the chains for you.” He helped them put on
the chains. The men were simply flabbergasted.
After having chained him firmly, they said, ”What sort of a man are you? We are putting you in
chains and you are helping us! We were afraid this might lead to some fighting and trouble.”
Diogenes said, ”You are having fun chaining me, I am having fun in being chained. Where is the
need for any trouble? It’s great! Now tell me, where do we go from here?”
The men said, ”We feel very embarrassed in telling you that we are in the business of slavery. We’ll
now take you to the marketplace and put you up for sale.”
Diogenes said, ”Good, let’s go.” He took off with great excitement and began walking even faster
than the captors.
They said, ”Please slow down a little. What’s the hurry?”
Diogenes said, ”Now that we are going to the marketplace, why not reach in time?” -
0@147 fuck off at time
0you opener the title ı fucking ı am going.
0@146 just panpa: D
0@147 you can say topic not baslik. what the fuck is it?
44 tlyi küçümsemeyin
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 06 01 2025
panter emelii dikizlerkenee
giriş katı dairenin kirası 30 bin papel
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sevme beni senin sevmelerine kalmadım
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kopmus bacak kopmus kol
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vedat uşaklıgil denen kral bir aslandı
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inci sözlükten bir yazarla sex yaptım
günün trend başlığını açıyorum
devletin dini yoksa neden
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