0@18 i see görmek anlamı dışında anlamak anlamıda var beynini gibtiğim :(.
0although in the beginning she had not thought of the possibility of a match between the two,as willoughby's attentions to her daughter became more marked she began to congratulate herself on her good fortune in having two daughters with the prospect of such happy marriages before them,for she hadn't lost hope in elinor's attachment to edward ferrars either,in spite of the fact that they had heard nothing from him since their arrival in devonshire.
sense and sensibility kitabından bir cümle panpa. allah yardımcın olsun şimdiden. -
0open a dictionary and read it.maybe you can learn some words.
0@49 ahhahahaaha çevirsene olm ingilizcene attırayım senin sting-shape of my heart şarkısında geçiyor git bul
0what are you doing here?
0@47 gibtin attın ingilizceyi. yazdığın cümleyi gibim
0hey man whats up?
0@32 ingilizceni gibeyim! doğrusu : "benim kim oldugumu biliyor musun huur cocugu" olacak
bunu da çevir hadi oçe : those who speak know nothing -
0we live in at the speed of sound panpa
0forget about it
+1oo you thanked us but thats not enough,all of us know that you are an idiot,so we will continue writing.
0bugünlük yeter beyler ingilizce cümle yazan herkese teşekkürler.
0@31 cümlen yanlış ama söylemek istediğin bu sanırım:
sen herkes gibi benim için yabancısın. -
0Azmetmek değil panpa Hazmetmek lazım ;
0fuck your mother
0@28 ben sen ölene kadar seni gibeceğim.
ama cümlen yanlış olmuş söyliyim:
bilmediğim kelime:
until: kadar -
0Hey, hello there! So, first of all my panpa, I've got some questions to ask;
1- How long have you been here?
2- Are you a Liseli?
3- Can you "gibtirmek".
these are all of my questions. So.. i have an advice for you! Read it carefully.
if you want to learn english, get the fuck out of here, go to Omegle. There are a lot of people there. And i'm sure there will be a lot of people with your interests. Just remember to be nice to people, and don't swear. The rest will come!
Farewell, mate! -
0you have to fuck your girl unless you fuck,i will fuck your girl as soon as you died
0@27 aradığınız kişiye şuanda ulaşılmıyor lütfen tekrar deneyiniz.
bilmediğim kelime reached : ulaşmak -
0'Hey Aruzo,
I gotta warning for you from Bald Man Sonetti;
Cross him again,
I'll stick a gun up your ass,
And blow yor fuckin' eyeballs out - Capiche?
niyet ettim silik yemeye bu sen misin la
niyet ettim silik yemeye bu muymuş
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