1. 1.
    we are four person, brotheeeeeeer
  2. 2.
    land train is delayed, maybe it does not come.
  3. 3.
    when the girl i love calls me big brother
  4. 4.
    how many glasses were broken in my drunken heart
    i couldn't solace myself in no way
    how many nights i cried secretly
    i couldn't forget you whatever i did

    kaç kadeh kırıldı sarhoş gönlümde
    bir türlü kendimi avutamadım
    kaç gece ağladım böyle gizlice
    ne yaptımsa seni unutamadım
  5. 5.
    reserve iyi bi baslik aslinda ama aminakodumun cahilleri yuzunden taklanir
  6. 6.
    my life, my life, my leyla !
  7. 7.
    @31 gülay-cesaretin varmı aşka bin
  8. 8.
    daughter of nemrud, she burned me.
  9. 9.
    @29 teoman paramparça oç
  10. 10.
    i dont know any of turkish songs fck meh i ll write u a song
    i wrote u a song
    i hope u like it

    its called ur face
    pisses me off
  11. 11.
    If you love from hearth like that, you'll throw the mind from head
  12. 12.
    fuck what people say, come on! come on! come on! come on! come ooooooon!

    elalem ne derse desin, hadi! hadi hadi! hadi! hadiiiiiii!
  13. 13.
    rezerve ahaaa
  14. 14.
    çeviriyoruz beyler hadi bağam. ilk çeviri benden gelsin

    what if one day she curls her waist to you ?
    there is thousands of dancers
  15. 15.
    çikita banana çik ta çik ta
  16. 16.
    I dont have a watch
    i can not know exactly
    a little bit of beer,
    it was a couple of wines ago,
    how can it be?
    when time doesnt go by
    but years and lives pass by

    im like a lost baggage in an airport
    or an empty pool in autumn
    is it disgraceful
    to still want happiness
    fuck it, i dont have the mood

    today is my birthday
    im drunk and mourning
    on a bar stool
    im at the same age when my father died

    today is my birthday
    the words are getting bigger in my mouth
    all the lives I know are..

    bunu bilin hade binler
  17. 17.
    if ı get a craziness one day, ı say you "ı love you"
    are you kidding and smile or are you love to me?

    bilin hadi amk.
  18. 18.
    bring it to me which was stole my life from me.go,look, find,bring it.(benden bu ömrümü çalanı getir.git ara bul getir.)
  19. 19.
  20. 20.
    up up dıbınakodumun cahilleri hadi