0var böyle bir şey ama abartılıyor.
0inegölspor taraftar grubu adı. güngören belediye de inegölspor dan esinlenip amcıklık yapıp bu ismi koymuştur.
0the turkish army's special operations force, bordo bereliler, translates as "the maroon berets". special forces command also known as the maroon berets because of their distinctive service headgear, are a special operations force of the turkish armed forces
the maroon berets are the special forces organization of the turkish army.
the unit was created to counter any interior or foreign attacks on the turkish republic. mb officers receive extensive training and are expected to survive in all environmental conditions.
there are three categories of education and training that a mb will undergo. these are a) domestic b) international c) specialty
within these three categories, there are 47 different subjects. domestic training takes 72 weeks of basic training; international training takes 10 to 52 weeks of specialized training in different countries. it takes 3.5 years to become a mb. currently, the force is under the command of the special forces flank (old special warfare unit). they also work along with attack search & rescue teams (sat) and underwater attack teams (sas) (marine search teams).
u.n and nato exercises every april:
world key lock record: 7 seconds, turkish maroon beret commandos nearest opponent:13 seconds, delta force
point shot record: 200meters, turkish maroon beret commandos nearest opponent: 140 meters, spetsnaz
the trust shot (in turkish "gūven atışı") is a part of the mb's training program. it is exercised on the last month of the training and is to ensure that the soldiers can trust each other with their lives. the trust shot consists of two members of a squad standing next to paper target boards, while another member fires on the targets with a handgun while walking towards them from 15 metres (49.2 feet) away. during the exercise the men standing next to the targets are not allowed to move or wear body armor.
vikipediada böyle yazıyor
ccc bordo bereliler giber atar ccc -
0ccc bordo bere ccc
- 5.
0http://bit.ly/rZaKGs tıkla öğren
0ccc maroon berets giber ccc
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