0çok duygusal lan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38kvskbg8ks
0yıl olmuş ananın amı
0y. o. 2. v. h. l. v. b. o. ç. m.
edip: şifreyi ilk çözene nikaltı. -
0yıl olmuş 2011 hala... neyse amk
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0ağlayarak boşaldım panpa
0:/ the video you have requested is not available.
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sorry about that.
çok duygusal amk -
0the video you have requested is not available.
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sorry about that. -
0bende açılıyor
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Sorry about that.
mükemmel bi yorum -
0en üsttekinede tıklasanız olur
0pardon burdan dinleyin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38kvskbg8ks
0the video you have requested is not available.
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sorry about that. -
0the video you have requested is not available.
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sorry about that.
çok iyi yorumlamış panpa -
0up up up
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sorry about that. -
0up up up
0up up up
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