+1alan turing ,dashaksipor bu adamlar online ise bak.. bildiğim bunlar var benim..
+1forumtr ye git burda olmazz
+1sh bilmiyorum panpa. ama basit bi scripte benziyor
+1mühendisim ama bilgisayar değil olurmu?
0up up up
08. Create two directories and a text file in the directory which named as your name. Directories
name should be Marks and Spencer. File name should be Zara. Show and write all steps in
this process.
9. Change the permission of the directory “Marks” as only the owner of the file can read, write
and execute; but neither the group nor the others.
10. Change the permission of the directory “Spencer” as everyone can read and write the file,
but just the owner can execute the file.
11. Change the permission of the file “Zara” as everyone just can read and execute. Write is not
permitted for anyone.
12. List your current directory in long listing format and redirect your results in a text file named
as “AVM.txt”
13. Show the list of all working processeson the CPU.
14. Write a shell script in the current directory that prints to screen “My first script!”, copies the
“AVM.txt” into the “Spencer” folder, shows the content of “AVM.txt” in “Spencer” folder,
kills the process that has 48521569 as process id on CPU and removes the “Marks” folder
with all subdirectories. Save your shell file as “script.sh”.
15. Run your script
16. Print the current directory after these operations on the screen.
allahı seven şunların kodların yazar mı bana linux için beyler teslim etmem lazım 23.59 a kadar -
0hayrına up
0@14 panpa basit zaten birinci sınıfım
0@17 şuku sagolasın gibleyen herkes sagolun ama up gene de
0yardımcı olcak site falan önerin amk commandlerın oldugu bari
0bi hayırsever bilgisayarcı yok mu amk
0oglum harbi yardım edin kalacam amk
0up up up
0up up up
0şuku nick6 istediğinizi yaparım amk allah için yardım edin kalacam dersten
0up up up
0up up up
0şu panpanıza bi yardım edin
0yan yatır öle oku panpa
0up up up
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