
Kadınlar daima haklı.
  1. 1.
    Bi yerde sex yazmış vercek galba
    1. 1.
      5 kere yazmış knk arkadan bile verebilir
    2. 2.
      Bankosu var ozaman
  2. 2.
    ne bu huur çocuğu okuyanı gibsinler.
  3. 3.
    benim kız arkadaş yazmıştakız arkadaşım danimarkalıdır ama günlüğünü ingizlice yazar

    I must be nice because I look nice.

    "You're a nice girl, I can tell."

    "You're such a pretty girl, I can tell you're a good person"

    Since when did looks and personality coincide? Who knows?

    Though at times I am BLATANTLY manipulative, awful, rude, pernicious, and malignant to guys, they just seem to ignore it. They're still convinced I'm a nice little girl, because they either
    1. Want to have sex with me.
    2. Want to claim me as their own.

    I am evil. I have no morals. Hurting people makes me smile and I can't tell you why. Oh wait, yes I can, I am a Psychopath.

    Sex means nothing to me, so I enjoy it for what it is, pure pleasure. I cannot love or feel emotionally connected to people. I am not a nice girl.

    Being a female, I have a power that I ardently enjoy. The power of sex. I can just dangle it over their heads and they will do anything at my whim. I love to be a tease because humans are pathetic, you turn them on and they think they're in love.

    Women aren't suppose to love sex as much as men, and when I express that love, Oh, how it drives them insane. Even more insane when they realize I want nothing to do with them after. I am the man in this tryst, walking away without a second thought. You mean nothing to me. What? You didn't know?

    And when the Man begins to act like the women... ugh, it disgust me. And it always happens when you are the Female Psychopath. Showing and expressing no emotions, not following the typical female role. The Men begins to express his feelings, pour out his heart to a soulless corpse. I laugh in my head, and I try to hold back a smile as I reject them. And if they DARE cry, I cannot hide my smile. I try, I really do, but it is so hilarious to me. That someone wants ME? This evil awful being? This wretched creature that destroys everything she touches. This heartless wolf eating away your life. And why? Because I'm attractive. They are blinded by my petite body, and their sexual pleasure. They do not see my Awful personality, my Malignant mindset, and my lack of Empathy. I do not put on a false persona for them. I don't try to. I don't need to. And I even own up to it on occasion...

    "You're a nice girl, I can tell."

    "No. I'm not"

    "You're such a pretty girl, I can tell you're a good person"

    "I'm evil. I'm literally the worst person in the world"

    "Haha, stop, that's cute. She's funny"

    ... Don't say I didn't warn you.
    Tümünü Göster
  4. 4.
    Çeviriyorum bugün ilk defa farklı tatlar tatmanın ne kadar zevkli birşey olduğunu kelimelerle ifade edemediğimden bu günlüğe döktüm eski sevgilim aleti baş parmaklarımdan küçüktü ve hiç zevk vermiyordu ama birgün düşündüm neden farklı aletlere yönelmiyorum ve yaptım bunu başardım panpa bundan sonrasını çeviremedim
  5. 5.
    "Haha, stop, that's cute. She's funny" demişki gibişirken çok komik oluyon ipne demiş kız demiş yani kanka stopda dur demek yani artık gibişme it demiş sana
  6. 6.
    Pnpa kızın fetişi var ama sana belli etmemek için uzun uzun yazmış
  7. 7.
    Bunu cevirene kadar calissan bogazicini kazanirsin
  8. 8.
    melik asıl bunda sonra her şey başlıyor panpa :D

    ingilizcem bir metin çevirecek kadar iyi değidir ama az da olsa neresinin önemli neresinin önemsiz olduğunu anlarım
  9. 9.
    I am evil. I have no morals. Hurting people makes me smile and I can't tell you why. Oh wait, yes I can, I am a Psychopath. oha lan kız beni anlatmıs vay amk
  10. 10.
    diyo ki sexin önemi yok benim için hepinizin anasını giberim ahahahah insanları üzmeyi seviyom demiş bide amk demiş en sonda bide sex demiş
  11. 11.
    kardeş ben onu çevirmek için 50 dolar alıyorum
  12. 12.
    kısaca: giberim böyle aşkın izdırabını diyo panpa
  13. 13.
    Ctrl+f sex (5 kez yazmış). gib gitsin panpa kız da razı